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Duel at The Great Mountain Temple released


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And so I've finally finished the duel version of my FFA map, The Great Mountain Temple, it's a bit larger than a average duel map... anyway here's the link and there's pictures too if you are unsure if you wanna d/l or not. But it's only about 740kb, so there's no reason not to!



New Updated Version



- Bot routes, while it isn't like playing against people it'll do.

- Texture alignments fixed

- A few intersections fixed


And I welcome suggestions and ideas, in this thread would be good since I'll be checking it now and again...

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Please do, I've been trying to add them myself but it just doesn't get right.... stupid bots keeps jumping around like a cs player on speed.


When you've done it could you please send it to: wired_jk2@hotmail.com, and if it's good I'll add it to the pk3, I'll even mention you in the .txt :D

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I have sent you the bot routes for your map.

Because of the BOT AI in duel mode they will run around alot without fighting, so as a suggestion you might want to alter the .arena file so it supports FFA as well... thanx for a great looking map :D :D :D

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Yeah I got the files, thanks. I'm adding them to a new pk3 which I'm gonna put on my site.


As for adding FFA support, how do you specify multiple gametypes? Not sure I will anyway since the map is based on a FFA map I'm making, there's a lot more to the temple in that map and I kinda felt that making this map a ffa map too would only be .... um confusing?


But why not? It IS big enough to hold a few players, so yeah...

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Yeah, ok.... but don't I have to add more spawnpoints too... and compile, and if I add spawnpoints how will I know for certain that you start at the top of the temple when you duel... maybe if I tag the two spawnpoints on top as 'initial' or?

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I never thought about the spawn points, they do spawn at the same point. but try that other file i just sent you see what you think.


P.S I really like the level design of your map especially inside the temple (good place for using Force Push) :D :D :D

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Grip should be handy too.


Anyway I've added a number of other dm spawnpoints, but I only tagged the two on top of the temple as 'initial' I'm hoping that that will 'force' two players into spawning there and the rest elsewhere, if it works it should mean that when you duel those two spots will be the ones used... gonna compile and check...

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Except fot the ffa version of this one I don't know, I'm probably gonna make more but I don't wanna think about it, making this is work enough for now. The biggest problem is ideas, preferably ideas that hasn't seen much use, if any.


And yeah, I'm looking forward to those models/skins too :)

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I like the map overall. it has good architecture and good playability. It has a lot of misaligned textures on the walkways and some of the broken pillars were inside each other and causing a few glitches. but a very nice looking level- i want to see the whole thing though, turn it into an ffa map! it could be great if you had an extended courtyard and some more to the underground of the temple. i hope to see it soon, good work.




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To be totally honest I have to admitt that I'd rather be finished with the damn map now. Doing a singleplayer map for Half-Life and I kinda wanna get back to that.


The fact that I spent a day or so making the outdoor environment, please dont ask it's painful to remember... ok I f really HAVE to know. At first I was thinking about making hills around the temple with a wall on top, kind of the templelike map already in the game. It looked like crap, it was scrapped. Then I thought about making mountains around it, it looked even crapier and was also scrapped.


I *finally* decided to put s simple wall, and nothing more, around the map and so I did it. It didn't work... there was a leak right through a wall... = me mad. After a long time making sure there was NO leaks it I compiled it, there was a leak. I reloaded previous save and rebuilt the now hated walls, it worked.


And now, as much as I like mapping I'm sick and tired of the exterior and would rather map on my HL level or the FFa version (that would be the inside) of the level.

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BSPing, what I hope to be, the final version of the duel map. After that I'm going to concentrate on my HL level and the FFA map.

Tick Tack... kinda boring sitting around and waiting... Tick Tack, what taking it so LONG?! Tick tack.... argh!

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Really good map !

It makes me want to do one for Jo too, but for the moment I have to finish my Quake 3 one (I was also planning to make maps for wolfenstein... sh... ).


Err... the only small nitpicking I'd do is about the interior walkway around the pit. It's a bit small. Btw it would be interesting to have the two doors of the room openable.


Well, anyway, it is a good one.

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Btw it would be interesting to have the two doors of the room openable.


They are in the FFA version I'm working with, the fact is that I was kinda tired of just working on the map (I wanted to release something) so I deleted everything I felt would be unessasary (spellcheck anyone?) in a duel version and then I released the map as a duel map.

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