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when i compile the dos thingo says LEAKED in really big letters


but usually if theres a problem radiant shows a red line that points out where the leak is but now theres no red line


anyone know whats up?



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Sometimes if one clicks the mouse after the map is done compiling, the leak's 'red line' disappears.


May be try to recompile that map while you are zoomed out far above. Then when it is finished compiling, do mouse-right click to drag around the viewport to find the red line (while zooming in and out if needed).


Be sure you are also showing everything you are using in your mapp too. Sometimes the red line can be tricky to understand and find if things are used but not toggled to show.


Otherwise, you will want to check _each brush_ and its texture. Yes, it is a time investment but you may rid the leak if you employ the patience.

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You should not have to close the dos window. It closes when it's done. Try out the map and see if there and play around maybe you can find it there. And reset computer try again if it says it again then do what they say check every brush :(

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Maybe you made the sky, floor, or outer walls detail brushes? That could be the problem. You can check it by pressing ctrl-d (that toggles 'show detail' on or off). If your sky, walls or bottom floor dissapear when you do that, then they are detail brushes.

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You don't have to compile just to find your leak spots. Hit cntrl+shift+K to find next leak spot and cntrl+shift+L to find the previous leak spot. It's also under the Misc dropdown menu in the toolbar. Also make if you can't see the leak in one view try another view (top,side, front).

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When I cycle through the 5 or so leaks in my map, I don't see where they are, since I rotate around them in 3D.


Do brushes have to overlap, or are the leaks I do see caused when a brush edge meets another brush's edge? And I have no idea why it considers my door a leak.

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Brushes do not have to overlap - it will seal your map if they match up exactly. It might consider your door a leak if it opens into the void - a door is an entity and thus does not block vis, so vis sees it as a big empty hole. If it's reporting leaks that you feel are not leaks, consider the following:


1. Curves do not block vis! A curve is a big hole to vis, and will not seal your map. If you're using a curve to seal your map, put some caulk brushes behind it to really plug the hole.


2. Detail brushes do not block vis. This has already been mentioned.


3. Brushes must match up perfectly or overlap. Teeny tiny holes are still holes. You probably know this already, but holes that small can be very sneaky. :)


4. Entities do not block vis, as I said above.


Sorry if you knew most of this already. I'm not trying to be patronizing - there are a lot of situations where a map that's visually sealed is not sealed according to vis.

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