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My Duel maps are not rotating!!


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Whenever I use my server for Duel it never rotates maps. At end of timelimit or duel_fraglimit it just loads up 1st map :(

Please could someone just take a peek at my duel.cfg and tell me where I'm going wrong.



sets g_motd "This server includes all custom maps dowloaded from jediknightii.net."

sets sv_hostname "WWW.sith.20megsfree.com DUEL"

sets Administrator "Lord ShadowHunter"

sets Email "papa_lazarou10@hotmail.com"

sets "IRC" "#hellodave on IRC.quakenet.eu.org"

sets "Clan" "SITH: A New Order"

sets url "sith.20megsfree.com"

sets Location "UK"


seta g_password ""

seta g_forcepowerdisable "16352"


seta g_gametype 3

seta sv_maxclients 4

seta g_speed 200

seta sv_pure 1

seta g_saberlocking 1

seta g_maxforcerank 7

seta g_autoMapCycle 0

seta bot_minplayers 0

seta sv_timeout "220"

seta timelimit "25"

seta g_duelweapondisable 65531

seta g_weapondisable 65531

seta duel_fraglimit 25

seta bot_minplayers 0

seta fraglimit 1

seta g_gametype 3


//Set map selection, cycle order, and start first map for Duel

seta d1 "map duel_bay ; set nextmap vstr d2"

seta d2 "map duel_carbon ; set nextmap vstr d3"

seta d3 "map duel_jedi ; set nextmap vstr d4"

seta d4 "map duel_pit ; set nextmap vstr d5"

seta d5 "map duel_academy ; set nextmap vstr d6"

seta d6 "map duel_pavillion ; set nextmap vstr d7"

seta d7 "map ge_arena_x ; set nextmap vstr d8"

seta d8 "map rock_oasis ; set nextmap vstr d9"

seta d9 "map duel_temple ; set nextmap vstr d10"

seta d10 "map imperial_duel_turbine ; set nextmap d11"

seta d11 "map castle_duel ; set nexmap d12"

seta d12 "map duel_hanger ; set nextmap d13"

seta d13 "map duel_duelingjediarena ; set nextmap d14"

seta d14 "map duel_imp_bridge ; set nextmap d15"

seta d15 "map riverofblood ; set nextmap d16"

seta d16 "map sith_ascension ; set nextmap d17"

seta d17 "map duel_crosswalk ; set nextmap d18"

seta d18 "map duel_kaazim ; set nextmap d1"

vstr d1

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Lo me again, I have another problem. I have done what you said and now when I run my server I get "can't use keys or values with a semi-colon" scrolling on the server win32 console. When I go to join server my computer freezes!!

I really don't understand this at all :(

Please help me

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Make sure that all the quotes are in the right place. It sounds like you might have missed one and it's confusing the server. That or you tried to set d or 1 instead of d1. If you just try to set d it thinks you're binding commands.

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This is my .cfg I can't see anything wrong with it, but perhaps you can.


sets g_motd "This server includes all custom maps dowloaded from jediknightii.net."

sets sv_hostname "WWW.sith.20megsfree.com DUEL"

sets Administrator "Lord ShadowHunter"

sets Email "papa_lazarou10@hotmail.com"

sets "IRC" "#hellodave on IRC.quakenet.eu.org"

sets "Clan" "SITH: A New Order"

sets url "sith.20megsfree.com"

sets Location "UK"


seta g_password ""

seta g_forcepowerdisable "16352"


seta g_gametype "3"

seta sv_maxclients "4"

seta g_speed "200"

seta sv_pure "1"

seta g_saberlocking "1"

seta g_maxforcerank "7"

seta g_autoMapCycle "0"

seta bot_minplayers "0"

seta sv_timeout "220"

seta timelimit "25"

seta g_duelweapondisable "65531"

seta g_weapondisable "65531"

seta duel_fraglimit "15"

seta bot_minplayers "0"

seta bot_enable "0"

seta fraglimit "1"


//Set map selection, cycle order, and start first map for Duel

sets d1 "map duel_bay ; set nextmap vstr d2"

sets d2 "map duel_carbon ; set nextmap vstr d3"

sets d3 "map duel_jedi ; set nextmap vstr d4"

sets d4 "map duel_pit ; set nextmap vstr d5"

sets d5 "map duel_academy ; set nextmap vstr d6"

sets d6 "map duel_pavillion ; set nextmap vstr d7"

sets d7 "map ge_arena_x ; set nextmap vstr d8"

sets d8 "map rock_oasis ; set nextmap vstr d9"

sets d9 "map duel_temple ; set nextmap vstr d10"

sets d10 "map imperial_duel_turbine ; set nextmap d11"

sets d11 "map castle_duel ; set nexmap d12"

sets d12 "map duel_hanger ; set nextmap d13"

sets d13 "map duel_duelingjediarena ; set nextmap d14"

sets d14 "map duel_imp_bridge ; set nextmap d15"

sets d15 "map riverofblood ; set nextmap d16"

sets d16 "map sith_ascension ; set nextmap d17"

sets d17 "map duel_crosswalk ; set nextmap d18"

sets d18 "map duel_kaazim ; set nextmap d1"


vstr d1

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You should use set or seta instead of sets for your g_motd and either set or seta (I use set) for the map rotation. No need to fill a query screen with your map rotation. Is it still giving you the error about a ; or is it just not rotating right now? Have you checked the jk2mpconfig.cfg to make sure there's nothing conflicting in there? Can I see what your command line looks like?

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I think I have just found the rotating problem. Take a close look at this section of my duel.cfg. LOL how did we both miss that!!!!


seta d7 "map ge_arena_x ; set nextmap vstr d8"

seta d8 "map rock_oasis ; set nextmap vstr d9"

seta d9 "map duel_temple ; set nextmap vstr d10"

seta d10 "map imperial_duel_turbine ; set nextmap d11"

seta d11 "map castle_duel ; set nexmap d12"

seta d12 "map duel_hanger ; set nextmap d13"

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Still having no rotation :(

I am getting p*x!ed of with it now. I have included my .cfg



//Server Infomation//



seta g_motd "This server includes all custom maps downloaded from jediknightii.net."

seta sv_hostname "WWW.sith.20megsfree.com DUEL"

sets Administrator "Lord ShadowHunter"

sets Email "papa_lazarou10@hotmail.com"

sets "IRC" "#hellodave/IRC.quakenet.eu.org"

sets "Clan" "SITH: A New Order"

sets url "sith.20megsfree.com"

sets Location "UK"



// Server Configuration//



// set the private password to use the private spots with

seta sv_privatepassword "****"


//seta sv_privateclients "0"


// seta password on server

seta g_password ""

seta g_needpass "0"


seta rconpassword "****"

seta sv_allowdownload "0"

seta sv_maxclients "6"

seta sv_minclients "0"

seta sv_maxrate "10000"

seta sv_maxping "0"

seta sv_timeout "120"

seta timelimit "20"

seta g_ghostrespawn "3"

seta g_forcerespawn "0"

seta g_speed "200"

seta g_inactivity "0"

seta g_dowarmup "0"

seta g_warmup "20"

seta sv_pure "1"

seta g_allowvote "0"

seta allowdownload "1"

seta g_friendlyfire "0"

seta g_teamForceBalance "1"

seta g_team AutoJoin "1"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"

seta g_gravity "800"

seta sv_master1 "masterjk2.ravensoft.com"

seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com"

seta g_statlog "statlog.log"

seta sv_cheats "0"



// Game Settings///



seta g_filterban "1"

seta fraglimit "1"

seta duel_fraglimit "15"

seta g_maxholocarry "3"

seta capturelimit "8"

seta g_weapondisable "65531"

seta g_forcepowerdisable "32767"

seta g_forceregentime "200"

seta g_duelweapondisable "65531"

seta g_forcebaseteams "0"

//set force rank. 1=initiate , 2=padawan , 3=jedi , 4

//=jedi adept , 5=jedi guardian , 6=Jedi knight , 7=jedi master

seta g_maxforcerank "1"

seta g_saberlocking "1"

seta g_privateduel "0"

// set gametype 0=free for all , 1=holocron ffa , 2=jedi master , 3=

//duel , 5= team ffa , 7=capture the flag , capture the ysalimari

seta g_gametype "3"

seta g_blueteam "Rebellion"

seta g_redteam "Empire"

seta g_autoMapCycle "0"


// Disable Force Powers/Weapons


//Value for g_disableForcePower - add up what you DON'T want


//Use 32767 for no force or leave it at zero..for now.

//1 Heal [light]

//2 Jump

//4 Speed

//8 Push

//16 Pull

//32 Mind Trick [light]

//64 Grip [dark]

//128 Lightning [dark]

//256 Dark Rage [dark]

//512 Protect [light]

//1024 Absorb [light]

//2048 Team Heal

//4096 Team Energize

//8192 Drain [dark]

//16384 Seeing


//Values for g_disableWeapon -- add up what you DON'T want

//1 No Weapon (not used)

//2 Stun Baton

//4 Sabre (doesn't work)

//8 Bryar Pistol

//16 Stormtrooper Rifle

//32 Disruptor

//64 Bowcaster

//128 Repeater

//256 DEMP Gun

//512 Flechette Rifle

//1024 Rocket Launcher

//2048 Thermal Detonators

//4096 Trip Mines

//8192 Detonator Packs



// Bot Settings//////////


seta bot_enable "0"

seta bot_nochat "0"

seta bot_fastchat "0"

seta bot_grapple "0"

seta bot_minplayers "0"

seta bot_thinktime "100"

seta g_spskill "4"



// Map Settings////



set d1 "map duel_bay ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map duel_carbon ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map duel_jedi ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map duel_pit ; set nextmap vstr d5"

set d5 "map duel_academy ; set nextmap vstr d6"

set d6 "map duel_pavillion ; set nextmap vstr d7"

set d7 "map ge_arena_x ; set nextmap vstr d8"

set d8 "map rock_oasis ; set nextmap vstr d9"

set d9 "map duel_temple ; set nextmap vstr d10"

set d10 "map imperial_duel_turbine ; set nextmap vstr d11"

set d11 "map castle_duel ; set nexmap vstr d12"

set d12 "map duel_hanger ; set nextmap vstr d13"

set d13 "map duel_duelingjediarena ; set nextmap vstr d14"

set d14 "map duel_imp_bridge ; set nextmap vstr d15"

set d15 "map riverofblood ; set nextmap vstr d16"

set d16 "map sith_ascension ; set nextmap vstr d17"

set d17 "map duel_crosswalk ; set nextmap vstr d18"

set d18 "map duel_kaazim ; set nextmap vstr d1"


vstr d1


and I have included my command line;


"C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2Ded.exe" +set dedicated 2 +exec duel.cfg +set net_port 28070


Can you see a problem?

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Is this a trick question? You found it just a short bit ago.


set d11 "map castle_duel ; set nexmap vstr d12"


Now, you changing that doesn't do the trick...you did say you pulled out the custom maps and it worked just fine? Did you restart the server after you added the new maps? If you don't, the server won't have loaded them. If it works with the basic maps and not the custom ones, you might want to start with the basic ones and add one custom map at a time until it stops working. Then you may be able to isolate which one is the troublemaker.

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