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Medium Stance is ruining the game for me!


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Yes, agreed! Though, the "fruity" part of it probably has something to do with Luke... Just a wild guess there. :D


But seriously, I have stayed out of these stance arguments(there's no debate about it, just arguing) for a reason... Because in the time it takes to type this out, I could be having fun in game. In fact, that sounds like a good idea.



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Ae0n said, "I'll bet you had to look that word up in the dictionary, didn't you? "


I did verify the spelling of it in the dictionary, if that's what you mean.


Hateplow said, "Heh, your talking about newbie flailers. just run around swining hopeing for a kill."


Yeah, lol. Those guys look like headless chickens, running around flailing about. Spamming attack is a pretty good way to set yourself up for a pull/slash combo. In NF duels, though, I usually switch to medium style. ;)

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Personaly it's

Open Heavy-- If my oponent is evading pretty well--Switch to Medium--land a couple Med hits--Step down to light

If I land a heavy Glancing blow---Switch to MED

If I land a Heavy blow dead-on--Finish with Light


If I have faced the same opponent a couple times before---Open with Medium (He wont expect That!)


If he is using Medium REALLY well---- Light


If I am in a saberlock----Med or Light





Switch it up, Every stance has good and bad points (NEVER USE HEAVY IF BACKED INTO A WALL OR IN A SABER LOCK)


The only thing that makes me laugh is the people who swear by ONE STANCE and never alternate... I use ALL stances...

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My favorite stance is the doggie stance.



Maximum penetration with minimal effort.



Now I know your all going to whine and cry about it, but I happen to know that, that is Yoda's preffered style.:fett:

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though this really doesn't matter and no one gives 2 ****s what you use or not or what people say is the best or whatever you use, I myself use medium most the time and light. Sometimes light puts a lot of pressure on them because your pulling in a lot of combo hits on them. And while it doesn't do much damage, they still know they got hit 3 or 4 times so they get nervous and feel as if "I gotta hit em, I gotta hit em now" When you switch to normal and kill the sorry fool for even trying to kill you. :)



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hey i prefere meduim stace myself not cuz im a noob but because in a duel i like to be able to attack fast but with some ounce of power fast is good speed but the attacks suck and strong is just to slow for me it looks like im lagging and that sucks i also think its cool looking

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Originally posted by Jiro Kage

Another one on my wish list would be a bigger penalty when you do the spin-swing, plus making it actually have better hit detection. It's fairly useless now except for dancing around like a retard.




Whenever a player 'spins' when using med or light, he leaves himself open for attack.. It's quite easy to take them down once they begin that move, a skilled jedi should have no problem.






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There are all kinds people who just run around and flail trying to hit. BUT since all these no skill n00bs are trying to ruin the game by getting the strong stance neutered, I'm gonna have to vote for screwing up the medium stance as well. I say we start emailing Raven about all these people who just twirl around!

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Why not just ignore the newbs who do that? better yet, why not humilate them but disposing of them? Or, this is my favorite option, find some players who don't do that sort of thing. Because what your doing right now is just complaining about something that you more than likely once did.

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Originally posted by 0c00l

All those fruity ballet dancers pirouetting all over the place are causing me to laugh so much I can't defend myself from the rest of the players.


You sound more like a disgruntled played who takes ballet and seems offended. :)


Light is more of a flailing n00b stance than Medium, for the fact that it can only be chained 5 times then you have to recover. I've met some potent lights before, and from feedback ingame, I've found Im a pretty potent Med. Also met some skilled Med., but a lot less than Lights. I use Heavy when I need to. I use it only for the one hit kill move, reason being, if I am forced to use it, you are either gang-banging, force happy, or defiled my corpse.. I dont fly all over the place, since I usually switch back to medium after a couple of lunges. I never attack more than twice in a row, if I can help it. Med can leave a big hole in your defense because if you hit them, they wont die from one hit, and they're not afraid of Med as much as Heavy.


Now.. I suggest you force push those dancing Meds to the ground and kick some sense into them.

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