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make ctf maps!


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why don't people with talent make ctf maps? duel is alright but FFA is just boring. please start making like alot more maps for ctf. that is the best mode and i am getting tired of playn the same 4 over and over. thanx

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Personally I disnlike ctf in JK2, it's just that the game degenerates to a simple shot em up game when it could have been sweet cut em up instead :D


Ok, CTF is fun, I agree, and I'd like to see more maps for it... preferably with two different bases, one decidedly rebel looking and the other empirish (yeah yeah, it's a word ...ok... it IS!)

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I'm pleased to see so many resposes from people making CTF levels. There is a deffinite lack of variety offered with the game. Please also include bot routes for us poor saps with dial-up. I'm anxious to try each of your levels :)

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We are going to be releasing several new CTF maps in the WLS CTF map pack. It should be out in a couple of weeks. We have one CTF fully finished, tested and with excellent bot support. The others are on the way.


- Vorax

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this is why you have no new maps yet....mainly people are still learning to deal with the version of crap i errr mean radient that we all have to use.....ctf maps are a little more complex then just a duel map or ffa...be patient as the community is just getting going...give it about another month.....the bugz should be patched by then...i hope....and people will be looking for harder and bigger maps to do....along with the fact that there will be contests for the best maps soon and im sure the ladder matches will start getting big which will require these...i say again....be patient people...

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