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Jedi Academy Open for Business...


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as soon as you see the link on the main page :)


sorry, the jk2.net guys want to be able to make a hoopla when hosted sites open, which is very cool, a lot of attention for us!


anyway, keep an eye on jediknightii.net for more info... i will tell you that the first piece of business is a trainer application.


i know, this is shameless pimping of the site... but we've gotten good feedback, and i just wanted people to know we're almost open


Chris "Massadoobie" DuBois

Site Administrator, Jedi Academy

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Well now thats it officially posted on JK2.net, we would like to invite trainers to sign up, after we have trainers, we will set up applications for people who want training, give us time we figuring out a plan for that.

Well the site is:


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Well, I for one am trying to decide wether or not to train for the Jedi Academy, the Jedi Training Academy or to freelance as I have done so far. Guess it depends on how serious I find the Jedi Academy to be. Let me tell you one thing: Posts like "Real lightsabers BROUGHT TO YOU BY JEDI ACADEMY" will not help the Jedi Academy's cause.

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