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Wall Run?


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Has anyone done a wall run? My friends tell me they have run up and along walls once they got force powers. I have asked them how and they just say they do, don't know how. Well I have tried and tried and no luck. Anyone else out there done it? If so please let me know how. Thanks

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I have tried to do it on purpose for a screen shot, so far I've only got one screen shot that is any good...


But what you do is, run along a (right next to it) and turn slightly toward the wall. If the wall is on your left hit your left dir. key while holding the jump key, and keep your foward dir. key down too... The result is that you'll temp. run along the wall. I do it all the time in battle just by fighting and not thinking about it. But that is not a good time to take a screen shot ;)


Give it a try, and good luck, let me know how you do!!!



Nomad's Place II


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I've done it by running along beside the wall you want to walk, then strafing (sidestep) towards the wall as you hit the jump button.


As long as you hold down jump you'll walk the wall. If you tap jump just as you let go, you'll do a flip off the wall.

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