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I am a Gunwhore!!! Is there something wrong with that?

-=VIB=- Wang

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Originally posted by GooglyMoogly

Are there still MP games with guns out there?. Whats the point?. If I want guns I'd play Q3, UT, T2, CS, EF, HF etc...


Sabers only baby.


Totally agree. I mean really... guns... wtf?? seriously...


What's the name of this game again?

Oh yeah, JEDI Knight II. Emphasis on the JEDI.




I just have to say one thing. I don't know about any of you, but I never saw Luke running around with a Flechette... A Jedi is a Jedi for his mastery of the force and the lightsaber, not for shooting rockets... Maybe I missed that scene or maybe my dvd is broken, but I never saw Yoda teaching Luke how to use a rocket launcher...


I'm not trying to denounce anyone for using guns. I'm really not. I'm just saying, Jedi Knight II is one of the only good games out right now that lets you use a lightsaber. Why not take advantage of it?


If you want to use guns, sure, go ahead, I have no problem. But in my opinion, there are PLENTY of better games out there that have guns.


As for me, I'll stick to saber only servers. For guns, I'll go play Q3, UT, T2, CS, EF, HF etc...

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I used to try to find saber only places...but then I remembered something. Would Jedi skills be half as impressive if they never fought against people with guns in the movies? Once I started thinking about it, it was like Superman bouncing bullets off his chest...you simply MUST have it. These days i specifically look for ones with guns enabled...even if I don't use them.


And as for the alt fire of...uh...that shotgun thing-whatever-it-is... It's only a problem for me if it's in a tight area...if I can get to an open area, then I have some real fun with it. Jumping and rolling all over the place dodging the mine things is a surefire crowd-pleaser. What's really good is when you sit there dodging so much that they just run out of ammo...and run away. That's when you switch to medium and start pulling them.


"Get over here!" *bzzt* :D

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i dont really care for guns. But i dont care if people use them. Am i the only one, or do other people really need like a medieval knight kind of game? Thats y i bot JKII. The sabers. For some reason, im like a sword fanatic. And most people who complain about guns dont know the secret. Bind keys that u can acess easy to push and pull. I can block the reapeater, and i can just push the explosive thing back! Its fun! Same with rockets. Here's what it's like on their screen: Ok. Im locking on. Locked. Fire! Yes! it's gonna hit! huh? what the, ahhhh!BOOM! it's funny.

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Im sure this has been and old aged saying...


the Jedi became all but extinct in the clone wars.


lets think. hmmm maybe they clone sith in episode 3 and have 30,000 sith wipe the jedi out??.. yeah. thats right... maybe they weren't all wiped out by Clone Soldiers and maybe jedi's are soilders and not keepers of the peace.


I just come to the conclusion everytime that this is a game.. just a game, but from the gun point of view.. I wish the guns were a little better, some of them worked well in the SinglePlayer game but their dynamics don't work in multi, same goes for the saber.. I wish there was more to it! and also the force.


the game just needs a mod makeover.. hopfully Raven will do an expansion with differnt game modes.. which would keep the old players happy and maybe some players out there yearning for something different can be happier too, but something Starwars at the sametime. It would be nice to see a character class based mode..with objectives.


Anyway as it stands guns are fine with me, sabers are fine with me.


be force may with you







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Hehe, I haven't had JO for very long, but I find the best thing to do online is go into a FFA and shoot people who are having saber fights. If one of them makes me mad I'll push em' down for the other guy. It always proves rewarding to here some guy call me a panzy because I blew off his balls with a disruptor while he was prancing around with a saber.

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Originally posted by smwScott

Hehe, I haven't had JO for very long, but I find the best thing to do online is go into a FFA and shoot people who are having saber fights. If one of them makes me mad I'll push em' down for the other guy. It always proves rewarding to here some guy call me a panzy because I blew off his balls with a disruptor while he was prancing around with a saber.

Hell ya man!


I like going into my Favorit CTF matches and Blast the hell out of the *use your sabers* people :D or grip them off a cliff or push them over and watch 30 team mates rush up to slash him to bits :D

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Originally posted by -=VIB=- Wang

^4Gunwhore ^3Wang is usually who I play as. Yes, I love guns and I love killing people with them. JK2 seems incomplete unless I am playing with guns. If I wanted a saber fight, I would go duel (which btw is quite fun!). But there are always those guys on the servers who complain about me using weapons! WTF!?!? Hey moron, if you wanted to play without weapons, go to a no gun server!!! Otherwise, learn what force pull is! Luckily, I am pretty good w/ the medium saber stance, so when these morons do say something, I can usually whoop up on them when they do complain. That's the problem w/ mp games nowadays! Too many complainers! Remember the time when Scorched Earth was popular, and you could play but not talk to each other? ARRGHH!!! :lsduel: I don't care anymore. Kill me. Blah...


What is needed is the IGNORE function that Raven had instituted in Heretic2. It was a console command that allowed you to filter who you communicate with. It was very helpfull for peaceful play.


A Boy In A Wheelchair

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