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Patch Nerfs


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Originally posted by Flash25


I like this idea, but I'm not partial to the one hit kill thing, which is most of the red's strikes. I would like to see a damage ratio of 40-50-60. Then I would speed up the heavy swing slightly, but make it more blockable. With improved collision detection, this is quite balanced.


The reason that light duels take so long, I think, is because it is so easy to avoid people. The movement in this game was designed for an FPS and not a sword fighting game. You can run backwards almost as fast as you can run forwards. It is very difficult to close the gap between you and a good opponent. Slowing down backward movement would help. There really isn't a problem with finishing a duel quickly with the light stance, you just have to trap the guy so he can't run away.


"Well, that's the trick, isn't it?" -- Han Solo

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Why did he call it the "Heavy Stance" instead of by its proper name (Strong Stance, or "Strong Style" as its referred to in the manual)?


Is that like the JK1 dev team calling Protection "the Hampster ball" or what?

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Man, I never post on these things cos peepz just get waaay too um... "passionate". I am under the impression, however, that maybe you are only moaning about this stuff because you dont "own" on every game you play! If youre not good enough at the game to "counter-act" these "problems", then why not... A) pick up a good book. B) find a girl, settle down. C) Eat healthier. D) Take regular exercise!


Just a few tips there! I never have any problem combatting my worries! If you find someone who kicks the ass out of lightning or grip, just drain them, and if they use dfa, just move left or right slightly to "dodge". Its easy man!


If you dont like the game for the way it was designed, then dont play it! Alternatively you could develop your own patches and mods to evade these "problems".


Just a thought!

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