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Info regarding the new patch..........


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Ok, here's the deal. It doe'snt matter how much they tweak or add with the patch. Who knows, Raven could end up fixing 90% of all the things we have been griping about the past month. -One fact remains, there will still be all the kiddie whiners and flamers here at the JK2 forum. The second the patch is released, it will be disected bu alot of idiots here and nitpicked at in whining threads.Don't get me wrong, there's quite a few of you here that are very cool abd act yur age. But also, I notice way too much kiddie flaming,bickering,whining. Way too many smart-ass children here without any supervision from thier mommy and/or daddy! -Anyway, my point being.........no matter what Raven fixes/adds w/ the patch, peeps will just complain about it with a new list of gripes after it's released! -All these lamers will nitpick at the patch and there will be 50 instant whining/griping threads the 1st damn day. Hell, only one tidbit of official info regarding the tweaking of the heavy-stance and there are already numerous whining/flaming going on on how thats unfair:rolleyes: :rolleyes: First mostly everyone here gripes and b!tches about heavy-stance being too much and now that we have official word that it may be fixed w/ the patch and now you peeps are b!tching about that!! -Get a life you freakin' kiddies morons!:eek::rolleyes::mad:

--If Raven dev ended up curing all the MP issues w/ JK2 with the patch release there would still be 30-40 threads with nothing but whining and b!tching about how the patch sucks. Grow up people and for all the kiddies here.......go find yourselves a gaming junior-forum! ----There's my rant! -I'm so disgusted with how most of the members act here at the JK2 forum. It's a real embarressment to the Veteren JK1 community and to the 'sensible' members of the JK2 community as well. Just plain sad all the flaming and bickering that goes on here.

--Anyway, ...just my .02. -I'm gone, ~S!TH

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Very nice post!


Can I put this in the Whiner's Guide (which is a sticky thread)?


I'd make it like this:


I don't like the gameplay changes in the new patch! :ball:


"Your post quoted and credited here".


Can I? :)

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Congratulations, you just told the massive, undeniable truth!

In other words, well said.


To the whiners: There's always a good and bad side to everything...........


To the gun arguement: The spam is drastically reduced, from info speaking. People, if you have lvl 3 saber defense, you'll have a much better chance of blocking shots. (Assuming it hasn't been nerfed.) I can't count the people who lost to light stance with lvl 3 defense when they shot their guns at me. You can always jump and pull their guns out. Guns now should require more skill now...........

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Kicks are still pretty easy. Just double-tap jump. I think Raven did this in order to allow regular jumps to be done when you want them to be; such as when you're trying to get over someone's head and you kick by accident (which you might not have wanted to do), or when you are trying to jump over a low ledge and flip off of it instead. Just double-tap and you're all set.:fett:

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It's a real embarressment to the Veteren JK1 community and to the 'sensible' members of the JK2 community as well. Just plain sad all the flaming and bickering that goes on here.


who the f u c k are you? to say a damn thing about the veteran JK comunity, i am a JK veteran and i have no idea who u are so hush sheep

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who the f u c k are you? to say a damn thing about the veteran JK comunity, i am a JK veteran and i have no idea who u

are so hush sheep


RuFFuS: You are not a veteran of the JK1 community. You were a newbie to the JK1 community. =O)


Its fine that you question whether or not he knows what he was talking about, but you could've just said "Were you even a member of the veteran JK community?" There's no sense getting pretensious(sp?) about it.


It's too early for this.



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this is prbly one of the saddest threads i have seen yet in any forum.... you start it off with


One fact remains, there will still be all the kiddie whiners and flamers here at the JK2 forum


ok you dont like children and flamers, thats cool most people dont yet before you are even done with this post you have said

Get a life you freakin' kiddies morons

go find yourselves a gaming junior-forum!


and in other post you have said

These types of people will whine about any changes or tweaks regarding patches and the game itself. They just need to whine. Plain and Simple!


dude, a forum is a place to discuss ideas, i agree that people do not need to flame and be childish, but yet you want to take the position that if people do not like want you do we are sensless cry babys, and you seem to reserve the right to all people morons, children, crybabys, n00bz, and a lot of other insutling things, as you have demonstrated in this and many other threads you have posted, and then you have the nerve to say you are embaressed by the way people act ???? look in the mirror ! undertand that forums are a place people come to bring up what they do and do not like in a game and they have that right, just as long as they do it reasonably



and BTW i hate to break it to ya, but im pretty damn sure the entire old community of JK1 is playing this game so lose the elitist attitude with that also.......

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