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Nar Shadda


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Hey Im new to this board.


I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how to get into that room that tells you that you cant get into. Where it asks you for the password. Do you need to get into that room?

if anyone could help it would be great.

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eventually you need to get into that room - yes, since you can't get in i can safly presume you haven't explored other regions yet. I can't recall the the exact path to your 'next objective' (where you will also gain the knowlege upon how to get past that door), so I won't spoil the story for yah ... just keep on exploring and wander of into unexplored regions ;).

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look into the rooms that the rodian guards are in. a blaster comes in handy for blowing up boxes (hint hint). walls don't stand up to well around explosions(wink wink nudge nudge). remember that one room you were in when you shot the box and it blew a hole in the wall? eh? wink wink. a wink's just as good as a nod to a blind bat. eh? eh?

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my comment on spoiling it for you related to the story line not a solution, my memory of this level has somewhat faded but I think greedo has freshed it up a little ;). Well here's a little guide that should do the trick.







Remeber the 1st side room on the right side of the 'large garbage processing hall' at the beginning of this level. You'll probably remember a rodian on the right side of that side room's entrance, one you can shoot through the slit but you can't find a path to the his room(*1*). Well, once you've made your way through the garbage press, the one which is traversable, ... yada-yada ..., jumped the boxes in the 'bottomless pit', ... yada-yada ..., jumped over a red-hot glowing conveyer belt, moved down another hallway or 2 and reached the area(*2*) where a couple of the grenade tossers come storming down a path which will lead to the upper ledges of the garbage processing hall. From area(*2*) you should be able to look down into a room(*3*) with some foes and a close door with some explosives attached, don't jump down there yet, but try to locate a small ventilation shaft which should also be close by. You'll need to shatter the cover on that shaft 1st, then get in and from there you will be able to look down at the room(*1*), you can't get in there from here cause bars block your way - but you'll notice a yellow blastable crate ... well blast it ;). Now crawl back and enter room(*3*) and you should notice a new hole in the wall from the last explosion. You should be able to take it on your own again from here on ;). gl

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