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ok i cant connect to my server.


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Im running win32 ded server.


The servers up and running at the remote host, but i can't connect.


I have run tribes 1, and tribes 2 servers just fine from this same computer, but can't seem to figure out why i can't connect this time.


I am a network novice, but is this something to do with the default port not being open to this computer or something of the sorts? and if so is there a way i can make my remote computer open this port up?

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Are you sure the server is actually running? Do you have access to the console via something like pcAnywhere? If so, what does your startup console spam look like? Have you tried to query the server? As far as the ports go, is the server behind a firewall or does is it running a software firewall? What's your command line look like?


Sorry for all the questions, but I left my crystal ball at the office. ;)

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JK2MP: v1.02c win-x86 Apr 15 2002

Initialising zone memory .....

----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:

D:\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\Assets1.pk3 (8011 files)

D:\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\Assets0.pk3 (6674 files)

D:\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData/base



14685 files in pk3 files

execing mpdefault.cfg

execing jk2mpconfig.cfg

execing autoexec.cfg

usage: seta <variable> <value>

Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok

...detecting CPU, found

x86 (P5/Pentium2, MMX)

--- Common Initialization Complete ---

Winsock Initialized

Opening IP socket: localhost:28070

Hostname: ou*****.com.***

IP: 20*.24*.9*.21*

Working directory: D:\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData



yes i have pc anywhere access, i have a webserver running, an ftp that runs, it just wont allow me to connect, and like i said i can also run a tribes 1 and tribes 2 server just fine from it.


the stars are just so i dont give out the ip and stuff

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heres the funny thing...on my own computer..if i try and setup a dedicated server using the dedicated command or the jk2ded.exe it doesnt show up and i cant even connect to myself..


but if i create a non ded server from in game....it will show up in The all seeing eye...


and EVEN more interesting is that if i start a dedicated server from WITHIN jk2 menu...it shows up also...


it just doesnt seem to be properly running...also when i ran the dedicated server from inside jk2 it gave me like 5x as much server info...like including what it was loading and stuff.


my normal command line is just this


"D:\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2ded.exe" +set dedicated 5 +exec server.cfg


and its totally not working.

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yea so far this is the worst crap of a server I have seen in wait well the first crappy server I have seen lol. I have run Wolf and renegade fine without problems and renegade especially runs well on my T1 and works great but this thing is an absolute piece of shiat. I dunno but I thought the hype and the thing to do in the gameworld from all the hype was supposed to be multiplayer or massive multiplayer and all these games even on quake 3 ta come out and are complete crap. I don't care who designed or made the game but it took a third party like super charlie to create a dedicated server script? I mean christ put it out with the game. I sort of expect multiplayer now for the price of the game and it better work too. I guess raven and the publisher as of most are maybe more concerned with money at x date then money for more dates. The other thing I like about renegade is the built in clans and ladders I mean it was well thought out even though the mp has its quirks. I like the server browser in this game and it totally wins hands down over rtcw's server browser which is a piece of crap. One more before I end my rant is the renegade net code works great for 56k people too another thing or feature that game developers exclude since just about everyone and their mother has a dialup compared to the few that do have something over 384k.

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ok heres the deal..on my own computer i can setup a server others can connect to if i run the dedicated server through the menu system in game. It shows up and people can connect.


Now if i run the jk2 dedicated server jk2ded i cannot ping it and i cannot join it BUT it does show up in All Seeing eye as




All seeing eye wont even show anythign if the dedicated server isnt running.


So im not really sure wtf is going on...but obviously theres something wrong with running the dedicated server command..it does it if i run "dedicated from jk2mp.exe also.

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First off, you need to use +set dedicated 2


...I noticed you are using 5. You also seem to have something in your server.cfg that isn't formatted correctly as I can see it produce an error. Post your server.cfg so I can take a look at it. In the mean time, change the 5 to a 2 and see what happens. To verify that the server is working, type status into the server console and see what it says. If it says "server not running" then odds are you don't have a map rotation running. If you see it display the map name and (probably empty) player list, at least then you know it started up correctly.

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yea it was a problem with the map..but i still need help. with my config i guess..


I had to run the command with +map ffa_bespin to load a map and actually start the server.


It wont cycle through maps either..its stuck on bespin and wont change at the end of the time limit. if you can help me out that would be awesome.


As for gametype 5 isnt that TEAMFFA? which is what i want it at and it seems to have worked.



// Server Information //



seta g_motd "#boh irc.enterthegame.com"

seta sv_hostname "Band of the Hawk TDM JK Sabers"

seta Administrator "BoH|RAWWR!!"

seta Email "r4wwr@hotmail.com"

seta url "We fart in your general direction"

seta Location "USA"



// Server Configuration //



seta g_needpass "0"

seta sv_privatePassword ""

seta rconpassword "******"

seta sv_maxclients "16"

seta sv_minclients "0"

seta sv_privateClients "0"

seta sv_maxRate "6000"

seta sv_maxping "700"

seta g_ghostRespawn "3"

seta g_forcerespawn "0"

seta g_inactivity "0"

seta g_warmup "20"

seta sv_pure "1"

seta sv_master5 ""

seta sv_master4 ""

seta sv_master3 ""

//seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"

seta sv_master1 "masterjk2.ravensoft.com"

seta g_allowvote "0"

seta cl_allowDownload "1"

seta g_friendlyfire "0"

seta g_teamForceBalance "1"

seta g_teamAutoJoin "1"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"


//Enable IP banning

set g_filterban 1


//seta g_gravity 800



// Game Settings //


seta fraglimit "0"

seta timelimit "20"

seta capturelimit "8"

seta g_quadfactor "4"

seta g_knockback "500"

seta g_weaponrespawn "0"

seta g_adaptrespawn "1"

seta cg_forceModel "0"

seta cl_run "1"

seta cg_autoswitch "0"

seta cl_noprint "0"

seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"

seta cg_footsteps "0"

seta cg_drawFPS "0"

seta cg_drawTimer "0"

seta cg_thirdPerson "0"

seta sv_cheats "0"

seta g_logSync 0 "1"

seta g_log "logs\games.log"



// MODE Settings //



// Set one line for gametype and one for PMOD


//Normal CTF is gametype 4

//Free For All is gametype 0

//Holocron FFA is gametype 1

//Jedi Master is gametype 2

//Duel is gametype 3

//Team FFA is gametype 5

//CTF is gametype 6

//CT Ysalamiri is gametype 7





seta g_gametype 5


set d1 "map ffa_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map ffa_deathstar ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map ctf_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map ns_hideout ; set nextmap vstr d5"

set d5 "map ns_streets ; set nextmap vstr d6"

set d6 "map imperial ; set nextmap vstr d7"

set d7 "map ctf_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d8"

set d8 "map yavin ; set nextmap vstr d1"


seta g_maxforcerank "6"

seta g_autoMapCycle "1"



i also cant seem to get rcon to work either....

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Originally posted by zufuss

"D:\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2ded.exe" +set dedicated 5 +exec server.cfg


That is what I'm talking about--not the gametype. You put dedicated 5, when it should be 0, 1 or 2. As far as your rotation, you have g_autoMapCycle set ON so that means you shouldn't be using the custom rotation. If you want the custom rotation, set it OFF (0). One way or another you need to add something to the end of the config. That would be one of the following:


map ffa_bespin // Starts map for g_autoMapCycle "1"


vstr d1 // Starts map for custom rotation


You need one of those two things at the end depending on if you want to use autoMapCycle or not. Then you don't need +map in your command line.

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yea thanks alot for you help..i figured that out last night..but damn was it frustration.


ok one more tid bit i need help with is rcon.


i can't get it to work at all.


Could you like give me step by step typeout "1-3" of what i type when i join my server to say change the map?


thats all i would need to figure it out..because right now its either setup wrong or im doing something wrong.

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Ok, I'm going to pretend that you have set the rconpassword in your config to *****.


1) Connect to the server


2) Hold down shift and hit ` to bring down the console


3) Type: /set rconpassword *****


4) Type: /rcon map ffa_bespin


That would change the map to ffa_bespin. Just replace the map name with the one you want. If you try to change to a map that is set for a different game type--duel_carbon, for example--then it will probably complain unless you change the gametype as well.

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my rcon is definately not working...


I have this in my server.cfg


seta rconpassword "*******"


i connect to my server


type in


/set rconpassword ****

/rcon map ffa_bespin


and nothing happens (this is gametype 5 TFFA)


when i do either thou i get a list of other rcon or set commands.


like ill type in /rcon map ffa_bespin and all my screen looks liek this:


/rcon map ffa_bespin


rconAdministrator(or something)



when i do /set all it give me is this


/set rconpassword ******




set other comands(with like 3 others)


no msg that rcon is autherized or anything...


btw THANKS alot for you help :)

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I also have this problem, on a Linux dedicated server.


I really don't want to reinstall as it means uploading the best part of 700 meg over 64k :(


the error message I get is no rcon password set


but it is in my server.cfg

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