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JK2 vs. Other Games ...


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I'm really into WarCraft III. I know, it isn't even out yet but you don't need to be a real beta tester to play it. A few downloads and patches and you're set.


I think when WarCraft III is done it will easily surpass JKII. For many reasons. It is just a deeper game... I know it is hard to compare a FPS to a RTS but look:


-Tons of beautiful REAL cinematics

-Strategy that requires thought

-Great built in ranking system

-Easy to use and powerful WorldEditor included

-Never a shortage of new maps, from Blizzard and fans, including intersting RPGs and game maps much different from the normal game

-4 races

-4 Single Player campaigns

-Endless replay value

-Very good support with patches and communication with Blizzard Employees on their forums regularly

-Not a rehashed RTS, new things like Heroes, Upkeep, Items and more make it fresh

-Probably a better story though we don't know it *yet*




Combine both games and you've got a combo that'll keep you busy for months at least! Get tired of shooting and slashing you play some War3, get tired out building, commanding, and thinking play some JKII.

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Well, JK2 is all aroun greatest for Lightsaber fans. Force Fans. and Star Wars GUn Freaks. Kyle-Freaks as well. The game also shows great spects not just for star wars fans. The Game is so fun. DId it pull me out of any games?...well i quit avp2 awhile ago..so not really. I still play my Ps2 occasinally and Galatic Battlegrounds is playable alot of the time. So no it hasnt. But Jk2 is one of my Favorites. Jk2 can absorb all your gaming time. Thats when you are obsessed with one game..which can be a bad thing, yet a good thing at the same time.


Good: You become one of the best.


Bad: When your friend wants you to play a diffrent game and your so involved in Jk2, you wont play, and he's tired of Jk2, and tension in friendship comes, thats one thing life provides...Obsessions can grab it away, and bring hatred in your "friends" you used to have, or have now.

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Warcraft 3 will also suprass JK2 in the highest price lists. most places i've checked are trying to sell it for 70 bux! and thats not even collecters edition! So unless retailers chop that price, i'll sit back and wait on the Warcraft scene :p

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Here's my opinion, Jedi Outcast is fantastic!

Before JO I played RTCW multi a lot and MOHAA sp was very cool too. But since JO parked itself on my HDD I can't stop playing it. SP is very cool but MP is the big one for me.

Very spectacular with those fancy moves, force powers and the lightsaber. You can really get a big kick out of performing a stunning acrobatic move and kill someone with the lightsaber.


I allways get a great laugh out of spinning my lightsaber in the air and walk away and hide nearby. Newbies then allways go to the spinning saber and try to attack it while damaging themselves, haha, very cool and hilarious :p .

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I Swear that JO is ruining my social life, I just can't stop playing it! While I do still play a little Tribes 2 (Thanks to NewBJedi for getting me hooked back on it ;)), I still return back to JO for another go - SP has to be one of the best out there, and will a little tweakage - i'm sure MP will rule too.


In my opinion, Raven are the best game development company out there, Sof2 will be worth my pennies too, methinks :D

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Tribes > Tribes 2


JK is awesome, but needs an ingame voice system like tribes.


i dont think JK will ever reach a competition lvl that Tribes had (not t2, all the good teams left) T2 was ahead of its time, forcing you into team work, with vehicals that are worthless, a Speed cap that makes it so any newb can cap(with out a speed cap or soupy feeling, like t1, T2 capping would have been a skilled pursuit) alot of the outta the box maps sucked. UE's :( i wanted to love it cause i loved tribes, but now use the CD as a coaster for my beer.


Jk2 is great fun, but the different playstyles of most players (ie: Sabers only, No force, Guns. Full force) will restrict Competition

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JO is good but their is a serious need for a patch or tweaks to fix some stuff like, my mate plays UT all the time and I use to play Assault with him, i really enjoyed playing it. It would of been cool if JO had this init but seeing that JO was also a single player game i can see why they might of left it out. Maybe there can be a expansion pack with this init. Also like someone else said the multiplayer levels (especially CTF) are way too small. Duels are real fun as well, I was playing the other day and all the people in the server made a deal where we had to use Medium or light stance and the only force we could use was jump. This made it more better as the battles usually went on longer and were more fun to play.


Also how do you spin the saber around yourself :)

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Warcraft 3 will also suprass JK2 in the highest price lists. most places i've checked are trying to sell it for 70 bux! and thats not even collecters edition! So unless retailers chop that price, i'll sit back and wait on the Warcraft scene


JKII was $60 at EB when it first came out, which is what I've heard they are charging for WC3. 70 bucks? Find a better store lol.


I think Collector's Edition is $80 but that comes with some neat stuff.


Anyhow the price doesn't matter much, same price and worth every penny and then some.

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Originally posted by Father Ruckus

Tribes > Tribes 2


JK is awesome, but needs an ingame voice system like tribes.


i dont think JK will ever reach a competition lvl that Tribes had (not t2, all the good teams left) T2 was ahead of its time, forcing you into team work, with vehicals that are worthless, a Speed cap that makes it so any newb can cap(with out a speed cap or soupy feeling, like t1, T2 capping would have been a skilled pursuit) alot of the outta the box maps sucked. UE's :( i wanted to love it cause i loved tribes, but now use the CD as a coaster for my beer.


Jk2 is great fun, but the different playstyles of most players (ie: Sabers only, No force, Guns. Full force) will restrict Competition


Would a class based mod with in-game voice or text chats help?


Or how about a mod where you have stations, like Tribes, and gather inventory - which changes depend on armor?


I'm personally 50/50 on voice chats.


While in Tribes they are neat, they are almost pointless.


Incoming hostiles!


Uh .. okay?


Only some are useful .. cover are flag carrier!


Enemy is in our base!


But otherwise, most are pointless.


And in fact, it's way easy for people to spam voices. I wouldn't mind just seeing a text chat system with a simple menu. I can read text messages easily and they aren't annoying like voices.


Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by NewBJedi


Would a class based mod with in-game voice or text chats help?


Or how about a mod where you have stations, like Tribes, and gather inventory - which changes depend on armor?


I'm personally 50/50 on voice chats.


While in Tribes they are neat, they are almost pointless.


Incoming hostiles!


Uh .. okay?


Only some are useful .. cover are flag carrier!


Enemy is in our base!


But otherwise, most are pointless.


And in fact, it's way easy for people to spam voices. I wouldn't mind just seeing a text chat system with a simple menu. I can read text messages easily and they aren't annoying like voices.


Just my opinion.


I wouldn't say that, i'd say about 75% of them are useful, each in its own little situation.


For example: HELP for when you just got blown out of your shrike in the middle of nowhere, it also tells you where you are to other people.. I think it's an ingenious system.

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A game with any suggestion of teamplay, such as JK2, it's shameful for them to not ship with a voice tree. There are so many functions like "our flag is secure" that are needed. In JK2 it's immensely effective to leave the flag where it drops and not return it (A la Tribes) but your teammates are so dense, and there's no way to truly inform them.


You can make a few voice binds, but the lack of a tree, and the lack of being able to do multiple buttons for a bind (shift/control/alt + X) means you'll lose most of your readily available buttons and make it worthless. Most of my buttons that are anywhere NEAR my movement keys are already bound to something. A voice tree was one of the first things I asked for from Raven on the patch thread. :p It's definitely needed.

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Hey Hubris, great idea!


Can you add that to my mod idea thread?




Of course, you may disagree with the mod idea, but I can live with that. :)


A tree for text chat may work, but I'm not so sure if the voice system can work for a Q3 engine game - I believe there is a memory restriction issue.


Also, the game needs locations in team-chat like in RTCW, SOF2, Q3 CTF, etc.

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Originally posted by NewBJedi


I'm personally 50/50 on voice chats.


While in Tribes they are neat, they are almost pointless.


Incoming hostiles!


Uh .. okay?


Only some are useful .. cover are flag carrier!


Enemy is in our base!


But otherwise, most are pointless.



You obviously haven't played much tribes.

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I haven't played any SP games since JK2, but I'd say it's easily one of the best SP games I've played in a long time. Generally, SP games are merely diversions for me; time killers. There's usually not much by way of replayability. MOHAA had good atmospheric SP, but it got rather cheap towards the end (IE: the forest level, the sniper level, etc.). I just get tired of the one man against the world scenario, especially when your enemies actually aren't smart, just scripted and insanely accurate. That gets old fast for me.


As far as MP goes, I play RTCW exclusively. I never bothered with MOHAA MP, since I heard it was pretty bad. JK2 just doesn't interest me for MP action, since it has no objectives, no real teamplay, and the sabre combat bores the crap out of me as it is. When they patch the game and when some real mods start coming out, I may try it out again, but I have a feeling JK2 MP isn't really going to take off that well. Frankly, I just don't go for DM style gameplay. It's just boring to me. The CTF maps that I've played were dull as well, and the whole game needs a bit of a balance overhaul in my mind. That said, I see the game as having a LOT of potential. Potential to be even better than RTCW, if someone could code the right mod for it. Unfortunately, the "SDK" that we've been given isn't much of an SDK for mod coding. It's more for making maps and skins. Which is cool, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't do nearly as much for game longevity as a true SDK would. It's a shame too, since like I said, this game has real potential. Sadly, I fear it may never be truly tapped.

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JK2 hasn't really replaced any of the games I play, but it certainly has garnered it's fair share of my free time. I've never been much of a fan of FPS and other "twitch" games because I've always felt that the single player aspect of these types of games were always fairly weak, but I've been pleasantly surprised by two of this year's games: JK2 and MOHAA.


Other games I waste my time on are Freedom Force, MechCommander 2, Baldur's Gate 2, MechWarrior 4, and MW4:Black Knight. These are all SP-only for me. I don't even bother to play MP on any game anymore, simply because the games may change, but the twits on the other end of the net never do.

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Originally posted by NewBJedi

Not at all, I've been playing Tribes 1 and 2 since they first came out.


Then you should know how invaluable voice commands are in any form of tribes competitive play. IMO all fps games that are intended for competitive gaming should come with these out of the box.

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