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Destroying Desaan


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Greetings fellow jedi........Quick question for those more experienced in the Jedi Arts.........How the heck do you defeat Desaan? Is there a "trick" to defeating his powers? Many thanks in advance to all Jedi Masters.......................

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Do you know how I did it? Hmm?


No? Well I'll tell you...


What I did was the following:


1. I set my lightsaber stance to 'strong'


2. I got all the stuff around the top, and made sure my health and shields were both at 100%


3. I destroyed all the rocks at the top.


4. Desann, who had gotten tired of waiting, jumped up to the top, and kicked me.


5. Mwah ha ha ha.


6. I fell to the ground.


7. I jumped back up and hit him with my saber.


8. Amazingly, it was a direct hit, and he died, instantly.


9. This whole process took about 5 seconds from the time he kicked me.


Jonoxon, who thinks that was probably not supposed to happen.

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Look at the on the top level and you will see two things on opposite sides you can pull out which will activate the beam in the middle. Jump through beam and you get Desaan can't affect you as bad, if you hurry you can kill him pretty fast.

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get all the **** on the top level,then use force pull on the two square things to make the center pillar thing drop and shoot out light. When it does run through it and you're invincible for a short time. As soon as you run through it put on force speed and just run at desann swinging, unless he pushes you or wastes valuable slashing time by jumping, then he's toast, takes all of 10 seconds.

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After I got everything at 100 % and Strong Light Saber Style, I entered the room, jumped down to where he his. Quickly I used lightning, just tap it to stun him. Then I turned on speed and sliced hime. Hit him twice and he was dead. This also worked well with the shadow troopers

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I tried a lot of these suggestions with little success. I finally beat him by using a different tactic:


Stay as close to him as possible, use Strong stance, and use lightning to stun him. If you get too far away from him, he'll use Grip or lightning on your, or throw his saber.


Good luck

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Like alot of other people have said, get up close! I beat him twice with the pillar stragety that someone mentioned. If you don't know the pillar stragety its easy. Destroy one of the pillars using lightning and/or saber and make sure dessans under it when it falls. I also once got him with my saber in lightstance. At least i think so. Maybe it was medium stance ...



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I love to see the diverse way ever beats that damn lizard...


Me, I took a different route. Strait Jedi Combat! took a few shots learing what worked & didn't but here's the skinny:


Get to the ramp quick and save. Pay attention to how he comes at you after a while and learn when (& how) to use F-powers on him.


My most successful was waiting until he takes that big damn leap at you and F-Push his ass in mid jump. (something I learned with the Reborns & ST's...)


Get to his landing zone before he does and saber him in strong while and after he lands. "Simple as shooting vapids on Bastine IV"... :syoda:

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