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Problem with multiple players from SAME ip

Luvac Zantor

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Ok please read through.


I have a network in my home, running firewall,nat,router, etc..


there is one server we CANT connect to at the same time... however


98% of the servers out there WE CAN.


I've already tried net_port and changing the client port to NO AVAIL. Also, we ARE able to join other servers just fine.


My thoughts go back to a cvar I think from Q2 that would prevent multiple people joining from the same IP.


There must be another such setting in Jedi.


Any suggestions? Thanks!!!!!

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Most servers have sv_floodProtect "1" set, so I'd think that being able to connect to 98% of the servers out there would rule that one out. You say you've tried setting net_qport on both of your clients to different ports before connecting? It's possible that that one server is running through a particular firewall that doesn't handle such things well. You should be happy that it's just one instead of more. ;)

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well i can't be happy


it's my clan's oc12 server :) (we co-admin this one currently)


and my wife and friend who rents aroom from me play as well.




so I must find a way!!!!! :)


and yes, I'm starting to suspect it's the firewall, because the connections DO go through one.

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I have the exact same problem but I can play all other games (HL, UT, MoHAA, Q3TA, etc) fine through my Linksys router but when I try and connect to the same server from my LAN I get a 'dup connection' error.


Hopeing that net_qport command will do the trick.

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this server is running on the backbone of AT&T broadband in jacksonville....


so the firewall isn't a "computer". You think all of Jacksonville would be funneled through a Win2k router? :)


anyways, I don't have direct access to the firewall itself, but the more tests I do, the more I'm seeing that it's not client side.

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Well, since you don't have access to the firewall, that could be a problem. Experimentally, have you tried setting the JK2 server to use a port within the range of the other games that have worked? Perhaps an admin opened those ports specifically for those games and you can just "hijack" one to test out.

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