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I'm confused (movie sabers)


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first off i'm not an idgit who reads the books and takes that as the official word, prolly has to do with the trekky side of me, of which Gene Rodenberry stated the ONLY thing canon is the show/movies, and the books are as good as shredded paper to the story (that includes technical manuesl and such) but thats ST.



In ANH Obi wan gave Luke a saber that was his fathers, and as we all know Anakin was his father. I recently was in Wal-Mart and decided to grab Anakins saber from Ep2 (i don't feed upon spoilers like alot of you guys) This saber handle is way dif than that given to Luke, so either Anakin gets a new one sometime in Ep 2, or mayhap he will in Ep3. but until that is answered, we basicly got us another "why is Kyle's Saber blue" situation. :p

but mayhap someone here has an nice explanation...

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maybe they redesigned the hilt because the ANH one looked like a stick and the merchandising devision of the lucas impire needed something that they could sell, thus a silver stick would be no good.

also the jedis in ep 1/2 and probably 3 are badass killing machines and stylers so they need hilts that were made for stylers

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heh no offense to any who do take the books to heart :p

basicly my opinion on that is that the books run their story, games run theirs, and the Movies run theirs.

and yes, my grammer and spelling sux, i don't know the differance between to too and two, so i only use to and 2 :p

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Minor Spoiler Ahead:









If you look at Anakin's Lightsaber and then look at Darth Vader's I think you'll find them to be virtually the same design, the only major variation seems to be in the colour of the saber, as to what Obi-Wan told Luke in Episode IV, perhaps Kenobi only told Luke it was his fathers as a way to entice him to use it.

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Another thing, but it might be explainable.


In ANH Obi-Wan gives Luke 'his fathers old lightsaber', but in ROTJ, when Luke meets Vader, Vader makes a comment about Luke making his own lightsaber.


This might be because the orginal one was lost in ESB when his hand was cut off, but I am not sure.

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yes, in ESB, vader cut off lukes hand, which fell down along with his saber.

in RotJ/the time before RotJ, luke made a new lightsaber, which is customary during a jedi apprenticeship (yoda taught luke so he had to make a new saber).

and btw, i think his new lightsaber was green because

yodas saber in EP2 is also green (from what i've heard/seen at last), so i think luke made his new one green in order to honor yoda



ps: i know, this he-makes-a-new-saber-because-he-is-an-apprentice isn't canon, but i think it sound perfectly reasonable (and hardly any other explanaiton is available ATM)

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maybe, though i like yellow...

but apart from blue (though anakins old saber was so bright that it was almost white), red and green we've seen no other color up so far (ep2 isn't out yet).

but what i've seen from the trailers and commercials, the purple saber looks best at any rate

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Hmmm...I do believe that...

Minor spoiler...








Adi Gallia gets one...because in JPB for the playstation, she has a pinkish red one. Although in Obi-Wan she has a blue! And Plo-Koons is green..or blue!!! They could have AT LEAST made the correct colors...I know Plo's is yellow!




And For those who don't know how to work the spoiler option, which is a white bar in which says spoiler on the top, all you have to do is highlight the white space. Then my message will appear...even though its not that important :rolleyes:



1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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i know every1 says that the books arent "cannon" whereva that came from


but in shadows of the empire luke makes his lightsaber in obis hut


also lukes saber he was "given" he gave to mara in one book or other ... it was obviously found from the depths of cloud city ... along with his hand which was used to clone him

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