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***Bespin Sky Patrol finished!


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Hey guys!


Well it's finally done! :monkey4:


Here are some screenshots of the final product:







There are still a few issues (lighting) with the map though and I would like to beta test it with a few experianced mappers before I release it to the public.


Cmdr. Antilles if you'd like, you can drop me a line at dom_pmd@hotmail.com since you showed a lot of interest in it... I'll hook ya up with the map and we can test it out...




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looks good. it looks like it should be a nice duel level. im a little concerned with the catwalks. it seems they may be difficult to incorporate into the gameplay. overall i like the map. nice work.



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Originally posted by Tems

looks good. it looks like it should be a nice duel level. im a little concerned with the catwalks. it seems they may be difficult to incorporate into the gameplay. overall i like the map. nice work.




The map supports both DUEL and FFA, in FFA there are 4 medkits, 4 small shields, 1 B Canister, and 1 Full shield all of which are positioned on the catwalks. So if the map is running in FFA and people need these, they will have to risk going down on the catwalks inorder to "refill." Plus using the catwalks is a great way to evade a foe.


Btw, the catwalks are accessible without force jump through the means of a ramp.


RE: FunClown


I haven't looked into bots. I'll try to find some info on how to solve that jumping crap... keep in mind that this is my first map and I'm learing this as I go along.






//I think it involves waypoints and scripts... can anyone help or point me toward some tuts?




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Originally posted by Master Emachil

As the title suggests, I MUST BETA THIS MAP!!! Gimme gimme gimme!!!


Can you actually fly those kickin' patrol ships?! That would be sooooo cool!


Please send me a copy of the pk3 please!!!




Do you have mapping experiance in q3? Cause this will be more of a technical test rather than a playability test.


Email me for more info.




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