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Server: Kicking/changing variables

Pacifist [1J]

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hey, i need some help, i have rcon access to this one server i cant access otherwise


i can kick players that are either kick all or kick blahblahnospaceinnames, but how do i kick people with different colors or s p a c e s in their names??


i tried using quotes, underscores, <>, pretty much everything but the right thing i guess!


and i tried changing the g_motd, and such, and it doesnt change, it keeps it with the default, does the server have to restart? or do i have to change the default, if i have to change the default, how do i?? thanks in advance

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Kicking people via rcon is a pain. If you have access to the server console, it's not so bad. Unforunately, if the player has spaces in their name the only way to kick them is to use clientkick. That requires you can figure out their client number. If the status command wasn't broken via rcon. Through the server console--assuming you don't have win v1.02c of the ded server--you can get a complete status listing and obtain the client numbers easily.

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Technically, the player slots on a server range from 0 to (maxclients - 1). If you have private slots, they are first. Players are put in the lowest available numbered slot when they join--with only clients using the privatepassword being able to enter those slots. For example:


Server is set to maxclients 20 and privateclients 4. The possible clinet numbers would be 0 through 19, with 0 through 3 being the private slots. If 5 public players and 2 private players join, slots 0,1,4,5,6,7,8 would be occupied. If 5 & 6 leave, the next public player to join would occupy slot 5. The next private player to join would occupy slot 2.


So, over a long period of time, things can get quite messy. For now, the best way to find the number is to use the server console status command. It's the number listed on the left.

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