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Star Wars Books?


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I have never read any of the Star Wars books. I bought one the other day called "The New Jedi Order" Rebel Dream. There are people in this book that I have never heard of. I am almost done reading it and I want to back track and read the others. What are some good ones to pick up? I have read a few threads where people where talking about some books but no titles were ever mentioned. Thanks.

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The only Star Wars book I've read was the Episode One book. It explained a lot about how the Sith came to be and things I didn't know before then. It was pretty good.

I don't plan on reading any of the "un-canon" stuff though, just like playing the games. :)

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So the episode 1 book tells more than just the same story that was in the movie. After I started reading this book I have now I wanted to read more of the expanded universe too see what it was like. I just need some titles to start with.

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Ok get any SW books by Timothy Zahn. They are a must read. Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command. He also wrote Spector of the past which is good too. Other than that I have not read too many SW books. I am in the process of catching up though. =D

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Originally posted by EDOX

Ok get any SW books by Timothy Zahn. They are a must read. Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command. He also wrote Spector of the past which is good too. Other than that I have not read too many SW books. I am in the process of catching up though. =D


you havent read "vision of the future" yet? it compleats the hand of thrown 2 book set. mucho goodness:D



michael a. stackpole is also one of the best SW writers. the X-WING series of books was great, and "I, jedi" is one of the best.(it's also the semi third book to spector of the past and vision of the future. zahn and stackpole work together on some novelas(sp?) aswell. they can be found in some of the "tales of" books.(new rep and imp i think) there short storys are quite good aswell.


also you came in kinda late in teh NJO books... the first NJOs will be spoiled now a bit, but nat that big of a deal.


also isent there a book listing in the front of the book?

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te book where chewie dies is vector prime, this is the first book in the new jedi order book . then follows dark tide {onslaught} then dark tide 2 {ruin }. the books set the same theme as empire does , when the good guys are really up against it . get te books and enjoy you wont be dissapointed.

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ermmm lotsa books


x-wing books are call ... even the aaron a allston 1's


i jedi ditto


also the thrawn trillogy


and all the others


HECK theyre all good


ne1 know which 1 has the emporer reborn cos i read about luke going over to dark side in i,jedi .... but havent read the actual book he does it in.... PWEASE tell me


:trooper: hey you there


wrong thread again .... i should make that my signature

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i believe its in comic book format and its called dark empire. tis was released early ninties. Because now there is dark empire two . But if you want a really good book to read and i mean a really good book then get the bounty hunter wars by k.w.jeter. its all about Boba fett before and after the sarlaac incident its three books long and superb. the titles are the mandalorian armor . slave ship and hard merchandise.If theres any other books you want to know about ask and ill tell you all . :fett:

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