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"Dont kill if saber is off"


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Oh man do i have real problems with these people. First let me say I am all dueling. I love it. Anyone I know for a fact is a dueler and his saber is off because hes lookin for a duel i will leave alone. But you have real morons who ruin that.


A: People who will FFA and just hack and slash away at anything that moves, then when they get hit a few times they turn their saber off and run to find health.


B: They leave their saber off on maps like streets and you run by them, but they grip you and toss you off.


Then when a legitimate dueler comes to the server and i go ahead and dice him up even though his saber is off he gets angry. Understandable. But I explain to him that I'm not lettin people run around like that anymore because of the morons who take advantage of it. Of course newbie, oh excuse me, "n00b" was the word of choice for this guy. But if you haven't played long enough to notice the people who do the above I'm not the newbie.


So this is just to point out just because your saber is off doesn't mean you are safe. At least not around me, and i know many others.

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I know what your talking about but you really bring it on your self most of time. Ill be running around with my sabre on and ill run across a person with their sabre off. I turn mine off, do the bow, and draw. And you know what 90% of these people do? Just stand there looking stupid for 5 minutes. Sorry, but bowing compleats the act, and if your retarded enough to stand there and let this person charge you, sorry you deserve to be sent screaing back to your respawn.

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Guest HertogJan

Yeah I don't kill people with saber off in duels, but I do in FFA.


Example 1)

On FFA/CTF, I see someone standing still with saber of on a bridge. I walk towards him, look at him, wait a sec and then slice him. Because for me, when somebody doesn't react when you're near them, they're AFK -> slice them!


Example 2)

On FFA on a map, lets say: Bespin. I'm near the platform and see several people duelling, and people with saber off next to them. I retract my saber and join them! I like duelling you know.


Example 3)

On a duel server, someone retracts his saber (in the beginning or at a pause). I retract mine too and wait. I DONT attack.


Example 4)

On a duel server, we both put our sabers off. We walk towards each other, I bow (yeah yeah, I nod, I dont crouch) and he does the DFA on me! Next round, I'll strike him dow, drain him etc.


Well that should show my thoughts on the subject...

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If Saber is off, i'll look at you, for a split second laugh while i slash at you, and then when your complaining "MY SABER WAS OFF!" i'll be saying "It's Free For All, Spectate if you want to watch." and then it will engage into a big fight. and i'll rack up kills and be called a n00b. Well, guess what, thats life for ya. The Average Complainer.


Complaining in the wrong way, is a sin. Atleast to me.

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I only really Duel, sometimes I hit FFA, when I need to switch it up.


Anyway, in duels if they are standing still with their sabers off I respect that and don't attack. If they are walking towards me with their sabers off I attack them.


This is because I got tired of people who left their sabers off, walked up to me and slashed me rather unprdictably because I felt it was 'rude' too attack. If you're too stupid to keep your saber on AS YOU FIGHT, you deserve to get cut down.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

In FFA I will run you over with a Buick if I can get my hands on one...

When I want to duel I use the "Game Type" filter in the in-game browser...weird how not too many people have figured that out yet.


Hey genius! Duel in FFA are completly different than the Duel modes!

you have to wait 324234 min to fight in duel modes, in ffa you just go near someone and ask him to duel with NO FORCE ( in duel mode there is force and its ****ty ) so stfu

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Yeah, but running after someone who is clearly not trying to fight is a bit off too. If I see someone running away from a fight he was just in, that's a different story. I hate dem cowards! You want to get that health pack? You can be sure I'll try to stop you!

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simple procedures:


run up to someone..




opponent lightsabre on:

* Attack


opponent lightsabre off:

* Jump on opponents head

* Wait for reaction

* Jump some more

* Wait for reaction

* Run away and find someone more animated than a plank of wood.


opponent facing the corner:

* Wait for opponent to finish taking a whiz

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I don't mind when someone does it in a regular FFA server, I'll just hunt the guy down and return the favor next time. What I really don't like is when someone does it when the server name explicitly notes it as a rule.


You take a while looking for servers that enforce the rule, only to find people still do it anyway. Meh! I say.

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in a FFA what matters is kills divided minutes. People who waste their time dualing don't deserve not to be thrown over some edge. It doesn't even make sense to have your saber out. It's such a slow, clumsy way to kill someone compared to pushing them over the edge.


Really, one should look for easy kills like people typing, or trying to dual someone. They tend to fight back less.


So, to sum things up, if you want to dual, make sure no one is around who will blast you, and don't get upset if the person you want to dual shoots you with a rocket, because you deserve it for trying to dual with people in FFA.



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I don't like it when people turn off sabre just to run away in ffa, but some things can be downright annoying.


If you want to challenge in ffa, you have to turn the sabre off, so if you go up and try to challenge somebody some plebs just lop you in half. That is irritating.


I sort of agree about ffa though - although some servers have a ffa duel system which is cool unless some monkey runs in and starts invading other people's duels.

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The only time I get pissed off is when me and the other dueller are in an area just us, and then some fool comes running in, sees our sabers are down because we are waiting, and then -- Wham


Other than that, it is basically up to the person playing. Most people on servers i've been on are KW fools who just want their name in 1st place. That is also why I retired from force servers because every single Dark Side user uses drain and then choke off the edge. Summed as this: There are many different players who do whatever they do. You can't change them, so just avoid 'em. If anyone hits me while my saber is down, they usually die my next respawn.

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I agree with the whole "if the saber is off, do not attack!" way of playing. Especially in Duel servers.


The nice thing is that most people who play in Duel know the rules and leave their saber unignited and bow before a match. Then there's the type of players who don't care and try to do the Strong stance at you when you are trying to bow.


One more reason why it is nicer to play on the Zone than the handful of n00bs who play on public servers :)

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