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Jedi outcast on Xbox????


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hey..i just saw a blockbuster flyer....the may 2002 flyer that i picked up today when i was getting some movies and on the back, under coming soon was a picture of jedi outcast on Xbox!!

is this true or is it a missprint...i went and was looking for info but found none...you would think that if it was coming out on another system that it would be well known. anyways, has anyone else heard anything?

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all consoles end up obsolete at some point..just like computor hardware.....always upgrading. but what i was getting at is that i saw this on a flyer and havn't heard a peep about it...i think it was a misprint....someone at blockbuster press? or what ever probably just doesn't know games......oooh..this cover looks good...is what they were thinking..lol

as far as the box being obsolete in a year...well you'd better think again...look at the run playstation has...

there is a place for consoles....like when "I just want to put in a game and play right now" games.

by the way...how do you think a 2 player duel on a console would be with jedioucast.....absolutely .......NO LAG...

bet the saber battles with a friend would kick a$$.

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the differance between the consoles and PC's is the fact a PC can last a LONG time and still be usable, however Consoles will max last 3 years from what i've seen before the next one comes out and the one u just got is worthless. Alots of PS2 owners i've talked to ended up with Gamecube just after its release. Me, i just throw in some more RAM and a new vid card and i'm set for another 8 years :)

as for JO on a console, it wouldn't surprise me but i hope not, i for one would like to see a good game for PC only rather than give the consoles everything worth having. or am i the only one who's noted most every really good game of the past few years has been given to XBox or Gamecube?

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JK2 on the x-box? hahaha. Laugh,Laugh,Laugh. Look, if it was on the X-box it will be worse than Jedi Power Battles. JK2 is made for PC, JPB is made for console. JK2 would suck for X-box. Its like saying, Guess what, DIABLO 2 IS ON PS2 NOW!


Haha...dont make me laugh again.

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I think it's not very likely, because the control system is very extensive, try configuring weapons, items and force on a gamepad let alone using them effectively in the heat of a battle. It really wouldn't work.


Someone mentioned 2 players on Xbox would have no lag, I've played JO alot online and have never had problems with lag (cable modem) and by the way, you would soon be bored with only 2 players. Nothing beats a 8-32 player game.


Graphics wise, consoles are still not powerfull enough to cope with the graphics as seen in PC fps games. Even an old PC game like Half-Life on PS2 looks terrible (controls are really ****).


Maybe there will be a 'port' to Xbox, but it certainly wouldn't be the same as the PC game.

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hahaha..where you been barb? not that i want to see this game on xbox, all i really said was that it was on the back of a blockbuster flyer! it would surprise me if it were true....they probably meant to put that jedi starship one on there. anyways i already got jedi outcast on my pc. and wouldn't buy a copy for the xbox if it were true. as far as a console not having the power...well i think your wrong...it just depends on how the programmers do things...there is an abundence of games on the console's like ps2 and xbox that outshine a lot of pc games, unless of course you have some uber equipment. like a gf-4 .

i can say for sure that my brothers machine (he has some of that there uber stuff) makes game look far superior then the same ones do on my machine. me needs more spendable cash to upgrade....lol

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