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The lightsaber is a weapon, not a tool for lighting up dark places!

General Theros

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Honestly. I just don't understand some people. I join these games that are Jedi Master force mastery and sabers only expecting some serious Star Wars gaming goodness. I expect to see some serious duels and great lightsaber combat! I am really pumped as I join in the fun........until I witness a great mass of "Jedi Masters" running around like pansies pushing and pulling and gripping and draining(so that they can push pull or grip) and make the person fall of the edge. As I stared in horror at the whole sight...it occured to me....."These guys are just running around with their sabers in there hands like it is some flashlight or something. Yeah it looks pretty and all.....nice light....gives off good light.....but it is a weapon!!!! Why aren't they swinging? Do they know how? Or did they skip that lesson and just got the saber as a Graduation gift??" I was pushed and pulled a few times off the edges, but what really irks me is that only 2 of the 20 or so people in there actually used their sabers....the rest that actually tried to couldn't figure out the difference between the belt clip and the on/off switch. For those of you who enjoy pushing/pulling/gripping.....and draining(for making said force powers easier to do) !!!!!THIS BEING THE POINT OF THE WHOLE TOPIC!!!!!!!--------------------->do you guys really have fun with that? Can you help me understand??<---------------------I mean...you have a game with a great combat system.....the chance to be as close to a Jedi as possible for many years to come....and all you can do is push and pull? You have the coolest weapon known to man in your hands.....and you can't even figure out how to swing it. Are these kills from pushing....are they fun kills? Did you get any enjoyment out of them? Is it making you better at the game at all? I've spent most of my time this past weak on a duel no force server...and let me tell you my saber skills have grown tremendously. That's not to say I am amazing at it....but I have gotten so much better. But with pushing and pulling and the like......there really is no increase in skill at it. There is no other way to say it. If you guys get a kick out of it then great! More power to you! I just wish I could understand why. Until then...I hope that those of you push/pull/grip/drain people who haven't figured out what button swings the saber that you find a nice person who will show you how and maybe even mentor you. Truly though....you can't really be Jedi Masters (because that is what you are in the Jedi Master force level setting) without learning great skill in the saber. Oh well......happy gaming!


General Theros

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I hope I didn't come off as whiny...that's not what I intended. Really...all I wanted was to know why these people get a kick out of the push/pull thing. Obviously they like it! But why? To me it just really seems silly. And skill in push/pull doesn't increase like skill in saber fighting....or gun fighting for that matter. Maybe I'm just from a different generation. I'll push and pull every now and then, but after the 3rd time pushing someone off the edge, i get bored of that and return to fighting with my saber(or gun). All I'm asking is that one of these people who enjoy it so much try and explain to me the enjoyment they get out of doing it over and over. No whining there...at least none intended.


General Theros

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Ok, the post was alittle long and over dramatic, but I see his point. Some of the force powers are really stupid, and have little or no basis from the movies. I think the server ops should be able to disable any force power that they want - ex. force grip (in my view should only work on non-jedi). Drain, seeing, heal, lightening, etc. should be gone.


I'd really like to see a MP game closer to the spirit of the movies, including a more realistic saber.


Just my 2 cents...

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I for one thoroughly enjoy pushing folks off the edge when I can get away with it, and thanks for asking. The thing I like most about it is engaging in a saber duel, and suckering one to the edge and then f1! No more duel (I've fallen victim to that a hundred times).It is annoying, but it works. I believe you when you say you don't mean to whine, but the goal of any game I've ever heard of is to win. Pushing wins.

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That would be cool to be able to disable certain force powers. But it wasn't what I was getting at. I think all of 'em have there place. But it just seems to me the over use of the exact same tactic over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .....etc....would get boring and wouldn't bring any enjoyment whatsoever. Obviously these people do....but why? That is all I ask! Why? Why not take advantage of a great system and the coolest weapon known to man?? :)


General Theros

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Originally posted by General Theros

I hope I didn't come off as whiny...that's not what I intended. Really...all I wanted was to know why these people get a kick out of the push/pull thing. Obviously they like it! But why? To me it just really seems silly. And skill in push/pull doesn't increase like skill in saber fighting....or gun fighting for that matter. Maybe I'm just from a different generation. I'll push and pull every now and then, but after the 3rd time pushing someone off the edge, i get bored of that and return to fighting with my saber(or gun). All I'm asking is that one of these people who enjoy it so much try and explain to me the enjoyment they get out of doing it over and over. No whining there...at least none intended.


General Theros


Howcome some people like chocolate vs. vanilla? Why do some prefer Star Trek vs. Star Wars?


You could use ASE and filter out servers that have a g_maxforcerank above what you prefer - say choose ones with little amounts of force.


Or you could just join saber only servers.


You aren't asking a questions, you are rhetorically judging and nit-picking people who favor one thing over another.

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I could turn all that around, using a "simple" tool, when you have the endless force to wield.


A Jedi can focus his power, into many things, saber no different there, one tool of many.


Just to swing a saber you dont have to be a jedi, or not close by far. "Swinging" the force takes you at least somewhat closer to become a Jedi.



You want to explore your sabermoves, ok.

I want to explore my forcepowers, ok.

Some people want to explore the other weaponary.

And some people combine as they see fit.


All can choose as they see fit, not be forced to do what someone/some tells them what to do(GREAT:D).


Do you have the larger claim, or do i..... or may it be so that none of us have any right to such a claim...?



If you dont like how they paly, well there are many servers to visit in that ones place.




Lastly, if you feel like "all do wrong/behave not as a jedi should/dont do what they should/...etc, well isn't great, then you, in your mind/eyes, would be the only "true" jedi, and the others just a bunch of reborn/none jedis/weaklings/followers of the dark/light...blabla... ... Take proud in you being a true jedi, and show these "flashlight"-force wielders how to truly use the one and only true jedi-weapon.



With that all said, i must add that i like to combine all the things to my advantage, and use what i deem neccessary, may it be the saber, the force, another weapon ,whatever else or/and a suitable compott of all the things, not let myself be stopped because i lost my gun/saber/whatever...


Shortly... ;) ... I like dueling with/without forces, with/without weapons, with/without force, following the server rules, or the larger part of other players rules/wishes.




See, understand, feel and act/react... be one with your surroundings, first then you truly have begun the "become-a-jedi-journey".


Find balance within yourself, first then you can help other people finding their balance...





....................................Or try to have as fun as possible, as well as letting other people have as much fun as they possible can manage.



Blablabla, this is how i want to think of it :D

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Actually...the goal of the Sim type games...(Sim City and all of those) isn't to "win" I don't think. Can you even win? I don't think I've gotten far enough to figure it out. I know you can't in the Sims (I don't think) Yeah....I see that it does have the potential to lead to another kill to push someone ....or to sucker someone into falling for a trap with a ledge (no pun intended hehe) But doesn't it get boring after a while?? I dunno...maybe I'll try doing a game where all I do is push/pull/grip/drain.....maybe if I sit down long enough I'll get a kick out of it.....probably not... :) but who knows!!


General Theros

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NewbJedi....I did ask a question silly. I asked why they liked it and if they could help me understand. Not being nitpicky. I've tried most of the different ways to play and have found one I like....just as those guys have. But why did they find that way? Do you not see my point about repetitiveness? I did join a saber only server.....with full force. If you go back to my origional post. And I'm not judging anyone my friend. I'm asking for help in understanding so that I don't judge. It appears you are the one jumping to conclusion and judging doesn't it?


General Theros

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Heh, can't believe I read all of that initial post. Use some paragraphs, they make text much more enjoyable to read.


This is the endless score vs style/fun debate. Some people just do just about everything to get on top of the scoreboard, no matter how cheap or repetitive their tactics are. Being on top is fun for them. Others get their kicks from cool fights and score just a secondary consern. Just live with it.

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I for one: don't care.


I don't care what people prefer, there are server options to let each person join a game to his/her liking.


If that's not enough, make a mod.


But I don't criticize people for enjoying the game one way or another.


I am critical - yes, very critical - of people who whine and complain about others enjoying the game. That bothers me.


Does that make me a hypocrite? So be it ...


If you know you judge people, than stop.


It's a simple decision.

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Hype....I have to disagree with you about the saber being a tool. The lightsaber is a weapon. Not a tool. And while anyone can swing a light saber, only someone in tune with the force can actually truly wield it. Not just that, but it is a requirement for a Jedi to learn the art of using a saber.

I do agree though that using the force does make you more like a Jedi than just swinging a saber, on the other hand you can't be a jedi without ability to use one. Period. It's that balance you were talking about. Good post though...nice depth!


General Theros

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Goodness NewbJedi....I wasn't being judgemental!!! I'm not whining about them doing it!!!! geez. I just wanted to know why! I thought it was great that they enjoyed it.... or did you intentionally disregard that comment? To let you know though, I try as hard as possible not to judge people. I think I do a pretty good job of it.


Judgement- the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing.

So says Webster


I don't think I ever said they were dorks or losers or lame or anything like that in my posts. The only opinion I expressed was that I thought it was repetitive.


Anyway, I'm sorry I even brought this up. Just thought I'd bring some chat this way. Back when I first signed up on this site....this kind of topic wouldn't have attracted such negative responses or character attacks. But alas....that's why old people always refer to "the good ol' days"


To move to a much happier and more interesting topic I hope. I saw Spider-Man tonight and it was really really reall awesome. I recommend it to anyone who likes movies!


General Theros


P.S. and on that last note about Spider-Man I must say goodnight. It is 4 am...and I'm tired.

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Thx for the praise :)




I think it is important to keep the "tone" else this as so many other threads becomes one filled with flaming... :(



But, of course i must disagree with you disagreing with me, hehe.



Many things in the worlds can see upon tools, even so a saber.

It's a tool for the good cause, for the sinister cause.


Han solo saved Luke's life by using the saber on ... (ok i am not a hardcore starwars fantast, i dont remember the name... so sue me ;) ), ... something rideable, he used it as a tool.



Just as you can use a knife to murder with, or use the knifte to cut away a cancer-tumour, and thus save a persons life.


A tool, for evil, or for good.

Same with money, a car, a ship, a fork, a rubbergum.. etc.. etc..

Many tools, for many things.


Getting my point? ;)



So the saber is not only a great weapon, but also a great tool, as is the force, among other things.




My personal thought is that, the saber may (or may not) be the ultimate tool, for exceed still more in the training to become a jedi, or to further advance as a jedi, but it is not neccessary for becom or be a jedi.




(notes to people, i do know this is just a game built upon a movie.. blabla.. but i try to "talk" (type) as if the starwars universe exist)

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Guest HertogJan

Dude, I know what you're talking about, I also don't really like the kind of gameplay you described. But that's why I play duels 95% of the time. You can't get push of a cliff in a duel, neither can you just grip someone to death from full health.


In my opinion, Nar Shaddaa streets is fun the first couple of times you play it, and I still play it now an then, but it gets boring for me too! That's why I'm a duellist.


Sometimes, I join a FFA game on bespin streets (or massasi temple) and if I'm lucky there are people waiting for duels somewhere. Just have a look at the platform on bespin streets, sometimes it's great fun there.


There are lot's of ways to avoid the deathmatchers. I don't mind people for liking deathmatch, but it's no fun for me!

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Winning may very well be alot more boring than loosing, you just have to win enough times :D



Kewl that you take the time reading all this, if you find it so boring.




Kind of impressive... or ? :confused:

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heres a few steps you can take to prevent this.


1. play on no force servers


2. play with people you know!


3. run your own server so you can make the rules


and if all else fails


4. quit playing people amd stick to bots.


is it really that hard?

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oh the humanity...


Originally posted by General Theros

Honestly. I just don't understand some people. I join these games that are Jedi Master force mastery and sabers only expecting some serious Star Wars gaming goodness. I expect to see some serious duels and great lightsaber combat! I am really pumped as I join in the fun........until I witness a great mass of "Jedi Masters" running around like pansies pushing and pulling and gripping and draining(so that they can push pull or grip) and make the person fall of the edge. As I stared in horror at the whole sight...it occured to me....."These guys are just running around with their sabers in there hands like it is some flashlight or something. Yeah it looks pretty and all.....nice light....gives off good light.....but it is a weapon!!!! Why aren't they swinging? Do they know how? Or did they skip that lesson and just got the saber as a Graduation gift??" I was pushed and pulled a few times off the edges, but what really irks me is that only 2 of the 20 or so people in there actually used their sabers....the rest that actually tried to couldn't figure out the difference between the belt clip and the on/off switch. For those of you who enjoy pushing/pulling/gripping.....and draining(for making said force powers easier to do) !!!!!THIS BEING THE POINT OF THE WHOLE TOPIC!!!!!!!--------------------->do you guys really have fun with that? Can you help me understand??<---------------------I mean...you have a game with a great combat system.....the chance to be as close to a Jedi as possible for many years to come....and all you can do is push and pull? You have the coolest weapon known to man in your hands.....and you can't even figure out how to swing it. Are these kills from pushing....are they fun kills? Did you get any enjoyment out of them? Is it making you better at the game at all? I've spent most of my time this past weak on a duel no force server...and let me tell you my saber skills have grown tremendously. That's not to say I am amazing at it....but I have gotten so much better. But with pushing and pulling and the like......there really is no increase in skill at it. There is no other way to say it. If you guys get a kick out of it then great! More power to you! I just wish I could understand why. Until then...I hope that those of you push/pull/grip/drain people who haven't figured out what button swings the saber that you find a nice person who will show you how and maybe even mentor you. Truly though....you can't really be Jedi Masters (because that is what you are in the Jedi Master force level setting) without learning great skill in the saber. Oh well......happy gaming! Honestly. I just don't understand some people. I join these games that are Jedi Master force mastery and sabers only expecting some serious Star Wars gaming goodness. I expect to see some serious duels and great lightsaber combat! I am really pumped as I join in the fun........until I witness a great mass of "Jedi Masters" running around like pansies pushing and pulling and gripping and draining(so that they can push pull or grip) and make the person fall of the edge. As I stared in horror at the whole sight...it occured to me....."These guys are just running around with their sabers in there hands like it is some flashlight or something. Yeah it looks pretty and all.....nice light....gives off good light.....but it is a weapon!!!! Why aren't they swinging? Do they know how? Or did they skip that lesson and just got the saber as a Graduation gift??" I was pushed and pulled a few times off the edges, but what really irks me is that only 2 of the 20 or so people in there actually used their sabers....the rest that actually tried to couldn't figure out the difference between the belt clip and the on/off switch. For those of you who enjoy pushing/pulling/gripping.....and draining(for making said force powers easier to do) !!!!!THIS BEING THE POINT OF THE WHOLE TOPIC!!!!!!!--------------------->do you guys really have fun with that? Can you help me understand??<---------------------I mean...you have a game with a great combat system.....the chance to be as close to a Jedi as possible for many years to come....and all you can do is push and pull? You have the coolest weapon known to man in your hands.....and you can't even figure out how to swing it. Are these kills from pushing....are they fun kills? Did you get any enjoyment out of them? Is it making you better at the game at all? I've spent most of my time this past weak on a duel no force server...and let me tell you my saber skills have grown tremendously. That's not to say I am amazing at it....but I have gotten so much better. But with pushing and pulling and the like......there really is no increase in skill at it. There is no other way to say it. If you guys get a kick out of it then great! More power to you! I just wish I could understand why. Until then...I hope that those of you push/pull/grip/drain people who haven't figured out what button swings the saber that you find a nice person who will show you how and maybe even mentor you. Truly though....you can't really be Jedi Masters (because that is what you are in the Jedi Master force level setting) without learning great skill in the saber. Oh well......happy gaming! Honestly. I just don't understand some people. I join these games that are Jedi Master force mastery and sabers only expecting some serious Star Wars gaming goodness. I expect to see some serious duels and great lightsaber combat! I am really pumped as I join in the fun........until I witness a great mass of "Jedi Masters" running around like pansies pushing and pulling and gripping and draining(so that they can push pull or grip) and make the person fall of the edge. As I stared in horror at the whole sight...it occured to me....."These guys are just running around with their sabers in there hands like it is some flashlight or something. Yeah it looks pretty and all.....nice light....gives off good light.....but it is a weapon!!!! Why aren't they swinging? Do they know how? Or did they skip that lesson and just got the saber as a Graduation gift??" I was pushed and pulled a few times off the edges, but what really irks me is that only 2 of the 20 or so people in there actually used their sabers....the rest that actually tried to couldn't figure out the difference between the belt clip and the on/off switch. For those of you who enjoy pushing/pulling/gripping.....and draining(for making said force powers easier to do) !!!!!THIS BEING THE POINT OF THE WHOLE TOPIC!!!!!!!--------------------->do you guys really have fun with that? Can you help me understand??<---------------------I mean...you have a game with a great combat system.....the chance to be as close to a Jedi as possible for many years to come....and all you can do is push and pull? You have the coolest weapon known to man in your hands.....and you can't even figure out how to swing it. Are these kills from pushing....are they fun kills? Did you get any enjoyment out of them? Is it making you better at the game at all? I've spent most of my time this past weak on a duel no force server...and let me tell you my saber skills have grown tremendously. That's not to say I am amazing at it....but I have gotten so much better. But with pushing and pulling and the like......there really is no increase in skill at it. There is no other way to say it. If you guys get a kick out of it then great! More power to you! I just wish I could understand why. Until then...I hope that those of you push/pull/grip/drain people who haven't figured out what button swings the saber that you find a nice person who will show you how and maybe even mentor you. Truly though....you can't really be Jedi Masters (because that is what you are in the Jedi Master force level setting) without learning great skill in the saber. Oh well......happy gaming!


General Theros




come and join T.P.T.S.G.P !!!


Tired of People Too Stupid to use Goddamned Paragraphs


at least use paragraphs so people actually bother to read it.

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