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(mapping) newbie screams "HELP" in panic


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Heeeelp. There... I'm a mapping newb and i'm in extreme need of some help. I just downloaded the JK2 editing tools and opened radient..... uh oh. How the heck does this thing work? If there are any experienced mappers reading this, and I know there are, please give me some help... is there a mapping tutorial for JK2 out there that reads "JO Radiant tutorial for total mapping dumbarses"?


god, that was abasing

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JOradiant (called JKRadiant by most 'cause JOradiant sounds stupid) is just a slightly edited version of the editor used for QuakeIII, so most tuts for that will work for JKradiant.


And besides, JKradiant hasnt been out long enough for anyone to put together a decent tut for it.


Try here for some great tuts that will help you alot:



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I am still learning JK2Radiant, as are many of us in these forums.


After I learn a lot, I am planning to create about 50 online tutorials. They will be for various experience levels too, and some will be interactive to really e-train well.


But for now, to get started with the overall process, read this article and apply it to JK2Radiant, even though it is referring to Quake3. They are almost twin engines--so the editing is similar.



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lol, about two minutes after I posted this I thought "well duh maybe the question came up before" and i looked at other threads and saw a link for bubba's. went there, and it was extremely helpful. made my first room, (lol), blasted the walls, and accidently fell out. whoops. the room was about the size of a closet- how do you make a brush that's bigger than the actual grid screen at any given time ? because whenever I try to drag it down furthur it just gives me another box further down... grrr and how do you make stuff outside? i've been considering making a catwalk multi level, i just need to know how to make junk outside without being sucked into the "void." :rolleyes: o well, back to the ol' drawing board. thanx everyone


~red raven

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