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Work in Progress - Guard


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gotta say holy S man! looks awesome. i had already started a 2-pack of models for the royal guard (red) and the senate guard (blue) - but you're so far ahead of me i'm throwing in the towel. it's times like this when i wish work didn't take up so much time. i have a ton of royal guard reference pics if you want them - but from the looks of your model i DON'T think you will be needing them. however, i got 'em if you want 'em.


can't wait to see it completed. keep of the good work, and hopefully you'll work on the senate guards as well ... nudge, nudge.

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Adillon: Actually, I'm using the basic Attack of the Clones royal guard toy for reference, which I got last week. It seems to be pretty much identical to the later incarnations in Return of the Jedi. I think I'm going to do a few alterations to the general shape of the head though, since the shoulders are a little lower in the actual movie costumes.

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i really dig your model ... has a helluva lot of potential!! i do have one little suggestion (and i emphasize the word LITTLE) ... can you make the helmet sit a little higher so that it seems to actually overlap the cloak? it looks like the cloak itself is an extension of the helmet, but the images i have there's more of a differentiation between the two. i guess the helmet will have reflections and what-not which can help set the two apart. again, this is a MINOR criticism.


also, what are you planning on doing for the body beneath the cloak? from things i've read the royal guard have a darker red robe beneath the one you've already modeled. are you planning on doing that, or will the body beneath be more of a red stormtrooper-type body?


i've included a link to the thread i had going regarding my model. i'm not trying to pimp anything, i just thought some things people have told me could be of use to you ...




this is probably jumping the gun a bit, but have you thought of sounds/taunts for him? i came to the conclusion that i'd wait until ep2 was released to see if the royal guard possibly had any speaking parts ... and hopefully from that there would be something that could be a good taunt ... "i'd give my life for the emperor" or "long live the empire" or something like that.


keep up the good work, man, and keep us posted on your progress (LOTS OF PICS MAKE US HAPPY).

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Nice work !


Slave Leia and Imperial Royal Guard are my most wanted models for JO.


If you find Royal Guard with robe too hard to animate, you can model robe-free version (as seen in Crimson Empire series)










And reverse colors




:guard: :guard: :guard:

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Here's my plan- Since the robe is a 2 parter (big back part, and draping front part), I'll make the body underneath kind of generic shaped. I can skin it with the regular (dark maroon) robe colors, as is on the toy and I assume movie versions. Then, for the other 2 skins, I'll paint body armor a la Crimson Empire on the underclothes, and use a shader to make the front robe invisible. Best of both worlds, I hope.

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That looks m*****f***ing bad@$$. Keep up the good work, I'm definitely keeping my eyes open for this one. It would be cool too if someone did a replacement skin that made the lightsaber a forcepike, just to add to the authenticity.





:guard: :guard: :guard: :guard: :guard:

The few, the proud, the red... the Imperial Royal Guard.

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Sorry for the lack of an update, things have been hectic around here. Haven't had a chance to do much more work on the guard (busy with some other models, Morrowind, learning to play the guitar, busy stuff at job, among other things) so it's kind of progressing slowly. I'll post a new version when I manage to spend enough time to finish the geometry.


On a side note, part of the reason I've been kind of slow working on the model is that I have no way to put it in the game. I have 3dsmax 3, and not 4. If anyone is willing to export the model to JK2, I'd be grateful, as long as I'm given credit for making the model/skin. I might let someone else skin the model too once I finish the geometry, I'm just too busy with tons of stuff to spend a lot of time on it.

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IANAM (I Am Not A Modeller) but you may want to spend a few more polys on the cloak. Specifically arounf the knee/leg area. The lower half of the robe will be in nearly constant movement once in-game, and the extra polys might help making the deformation look like cloth during run/walk

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