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Duel Of The Fates Map


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I'm making a Duel of the Fates map from episode 1, the huge energy room with the circular platforms and such. Two questions:


1. How can I make those energy beams that shoot from the ground to the sky?


2. How can I make the lower area fade to black like it does in ctf_ns_streets?

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>How can I make those energy beams

For the Theed Generator Complex beams you might consider doing the energy beams as an 'fx_runner', and using the key 'fxFile' with a value of 'env/beam'. To control the directional flow of the beam, use a 'target_position' entity and give it a 'targetname' like [b_end1] and then create a 'target' key for the 'fx_runner' with a value of 'b_end1' to connect the beam. You may also need to edit the beam.efx file with Notepad, to size the beam and its color, since the beam is initially thin.



>How can I make the lower area fade to black

To fade an area to black, either have the lights stop before the area, or use a brush with a black fog texture.

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Hey Diversion, its Maverick... One possible problem you will run into as most people doing the DOTF map is the red shield doors that separate the main chamber from the reactor room... the setting in most map editors supposedly deal with the func_rotate script, but as most mappers found out, is that Raven never implented for the func_rotate to be used in that matter, so until they release a patch for it, it will be very hard to completely finish the map... funny, there are going to be like 7 different versions of this ONE map... LivingDeadJedi, jkentmarsh, RDH Diversion DDC... Cuz I mean UniKorn all ready said he would do the Sith Temple of Korriban for me, so that's cool, and LivingDeadJedi is working on this map for me, so you two (Diversion and LIVING) might want to exchange ideas for the map, to make it the best version available, ya know? (just an idea)

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i got an even better idea.....what real programers and developoers do is split it up...why dont all you guys get together each take a section of the map...and then when you 3 are done...have one of you put the peices together....and then you go over it and find the bugs and all help fix.....since there would be 3 of you working on it...you could make it faster and at the same time alot more detailed and with better functionality then if all 3 of you tried doing it by yourselfs.

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For the Theed Generator Complex beams you might consider doing the energy beams as an 'fx_runner', and using the key 'fxFile' with a value of 'env/beam'. To control the directional flow of the beam, use a 'target_position' entity and give it a 'targetname' like [b_end1] and then create a 'target' key for the 'fx_runner' with a value of 'b_end1' to connect the beam. You may also need to edit the beam.efx file with Notepad, to size the beam and its color, since the beam is initially thin.


You also can connect entities by pressing CRTL+K.


Well, you could also make a simple shader file and apply the texture to a cylinder or to a flat patch and make it be vertical oriented bitmap texture.

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Man, I get so far in this and then I come to that blasted corridor!


Okay, I'm going to keep working on this map, and my single player map, and my duel map (omg it's starting to stack up), but no one else has done a map like the Geonosis Hangar, or the arena. I think I'm going to split my time next week and get a lot done.

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Hey Cmdr, I was talking with LivindDeadJedi and i mentioned your idea about the pendulums, and this was his response" actually i do have to trigger the doors nothingt else works so theres a trigger set in the level that when your in it makes the doors work

But hopefully if i get function pendulem to work it might be ok

I tried but cant get the thing that keeps firing targets to work ???????.....tell him the pendulem idea was good thinking except that you cant stop it then start it

in other words theres no pause

if he want me to send him the doors so he can have a go i can then he can send them back =]]]]]]]]]...." so he was wondering if he could send you the doors/red shield doors and have you take a look, see what you could do, then have you send them back, or send a reponse back to Living with what can/can't be done about the blasted doors.

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Hmm, I guess my friend and myself arne't the only ones working on this :D


what we have planned is to split Theed Power Plant into two separate maps...


the area with the energy beams and catwalks with be a FFA map while the pit area with the forcefields will be a strictly Duel map.


thats just our idea.

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You can make a copy of the .efx file, then edit it in Notepad. When I get home from work, I will post again with some help, so you know how to edit the .efx file for the beam, and its size and color, and if you want a slight hint of electricity on it too, as I have on my variation. And yeah, you'd want to include any .efx files in your .pk3, in a folder like /effects/env - as the game does. But not made a .pk3 yet myself, but it is really not that hard to do. Testing it is can be however (so all works smooth).


I was going to give up on map making, but just in time, LucasArts fixed MP for dual AMDs, so I can now get back into it full force. Since the latest patch fixes a lot of things.

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ok, so so when you say copy it... I can rename dis as like beam2.efx and instead of having the value as env/beam as env/beam2 ?


and where would I copy it to?


EDIT: as you can see I am a n00b :D

hmm considering the last time I mapped was for Doom >_<

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Okay, for the .efx files. At least in a SP map, not tried this for a MP yet myself.


Well what I did was take the beam.efx file, which is in my ../base/effects/env folder and made a copy to beamr.efx; another new file. Then I opened it up in Notepad to change the settings.


I then changed the size of the beam since it was too thin for the generator energy, and its color. So in the .efx file I changed both the start and end values to 100.0, at the top of the .efx and the bottom; it is in two places in the file. Then I changed the rgb values to a more blue color with 0.25 0.25 0.95; in both places in the file. The actual fx_runner entity in JK2Radiant I gave a low delay so the beam would update faster; like 10 to 20, not 200. But I use a 1.5 GHz AMD 1800+, so not yet sure how fast this runs on slower systems.


There is a key 'emitfx' in the beam.efx file near the end. I changed 'env/beam_lights' to my new file name so I could use my own lightning, which I did by copying 'electricity.efx' to that new file name (beam_elect1.efx). Also in the beamr.efx file, near the bottom under 'Emitter', I wanted to change 'life' value from 8000 to about 300 - 450; or else the beams would also include to many lightning bolts to often. If you do not want bolts, either lower 'life' more or delete the 'Emitter' text in the beamr.efx file and the data under it too; this will not call the effect and the beam will just be a beam. But I liked the slight hint of electricity in my beams.


I then placed NODRAW brushes on the four sides of my beams, and gave the brush a 'trigger_hurt' and checked 'ELECTRICAL' and made the damage high. So if ones gets to close to a beam it can kill.


For the top and bottom of the beams I used a explosion.efx file, with another fx_runner, and edited the explosion to match the beam somewhat.

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im working on this map too

heh, this is getting funny

about 6 people doing the same map, there should be a comp to see who can make the best DotF map

i hope everyones doing as well as me :)

im almost finished and its looking sweet

little problem with scale of stuff to the player buuuut, i think i can pull it off!

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I'm not sure if anyone else noticed this but I watched that certain part about 20 times and I can say that the energy spires were encased within a tube.

and that the energy was kinda light purplish.


FEXX thanks, you've been a great help.


I wish there were tutorials about editing the EFX files.

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I am willing to gaurantee that all of the Duel of the Fates maps will be largely inacurate. Why? Did anyone actualy watch the Episode 1 DVD special feature called "The Beginning"??? I BET EVEN IF YOU DID YOU WOULDNT HAVE NOTICED AN IMPORTANT DETAIL. THE GENERATOR ROOM IS A HALF CIRCLE! NOT SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR BUT A HALF CIRCLE! They show a miniature model during "The Beginning" It the generator room with no roof showing the catwalk layout. From the entrance (the flat wall) there are 3 catwalks and the 2 control centers. all 3 catwalks lead to the half circle wall, each catwalk leads to a set of energy doors (or at least thats what it looks like in the movie) These main catwalks (including the entrance and controls) occur every other level with the energy beam access catwalks in between. the energy beam catwalks (the rings around the beams and thier connecting catwalks) follow the shape of the room. the "inner ring" and the "outter ring" each consist of 4 energy beams. outter ring is naturaly larger so the beams are lined up ant an angle. I will make a diagram later to show what I mean.

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Duel of the Fates maps do not need to be perfectly accurate to make for fun gameplay.


A map requires to have a good layout, proper sizing and should be easy enough to get in and out of most areas. If the map resembles (to an extent) whatever the creator is aiming for, then it certainly has enough to keep the people happy.


I am not a picky person when it comes to maps based on SW locations, if the map has the ability to make gaming more fun in an area that is familiar (Naboo, tatooine, etc...) I'll enjoy it even more and keep playing it.

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I'm making a DOTF level too. Its coming along nicely. Im not using a fx beam for the "power beams" and it looks about 90% as it does in the movie (it looks pretty good). I not going to give away my secret of doing it because other people will use it (Its actually pretty simple). It just took a lot of 'trial-and-error'.

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actually, LivindDeadJedi has made the map, and I am beta testing it, and he has it as a half circle, maybe a little more, but he also has the purplish energy columns encased in the tubes, and he has the red shield doors, and he has the pit where darth maul falls, and qui gon jinn gets waxed. (no offense)...and I can post some screenshots here shortly, and the pics won't show it, but the energy is actually moving within the tubing, as in the movie... the only part that's been hard is getting the doors to operate more accurately, and the pit area's floor being mirrored caused lag for most of the test, but hopefully that issue will be resolved shortly...







there are some screenshots... I might release more of the hangar when Living's buddy makes a more detailed naboo fighter too put into the hangar..


p.s. to view the pics, just add a ? @ the end of the URL... stupid geocities

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