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ARG!! Death falls!!


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Can someone give a very precise min-tutorial on EXACTLY how to make ur character fall, scream and die when they step off of the edge of a platform on ur level? Please be in NUMBERED steps and include a screenshot (or even just use lines and things in the reply box to illustrate).


Also, does anyone know what might be screwing me up here:

Ok so im remaking my map to add bot support and fix some things. I re-compile it, this time in fullbsp (extra). My fps is pretty jerky once i get into the map. Then i fix some things, get rid of the music that made my .pk3 5mb :D and compile this time as regular old fullbsp. The fps is slightly jerky, but better still.


I think this may be caused simply by running jk2 after i have been running jk2r.


-Jumbo Monkeyfish

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Alright, you need a trigger_hurt. Select trigger_hurt from your entities menu and then press "n" to bring up the entity info menu, and check the box marked FALLING for the falling and screaming animation. Check out the other options in the info menu as well.


I've personally never done this, this is just what I found by looking at JK2Radiant, so don't get mad at me if it don't work

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