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Pics of characters we need modeled...

Ten Tigers

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I wanna see some of the Jedi Council members... like Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo Koon, etc. Yoda and Yaddle would be cool too... but would it be possible to make smaller models that are compatible with the game's animations?


There's other smaller ones that'll be interesting to see like TPM Anakin, Ewoks and Jawas... and then there's the plain extreme ones, Watto, Sebulba..


Jar Jar Binks I'd like to see as well. In fact, Zymotico has already made an excellent Jar Jar model, fully textured and all. He just needs someone to port it to a game. Check out his site for details and a 3D preview:




Oh, and fantastic job spacermonkey, I look forward to downloading it. Can't wait for the Fett and Vader ones to arrive neither....

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