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Modifying a skin I downloaded

Darth Maniac

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I am modifying an existing skin I downloaded to make a DJC clan skin.


2 questions.


1) The skin I am modifying points to the reborn taunt sound. How do I change it to point to a different sound. I have an excellent wav file (Is that the correct format?) I want to use.


2) If people do not have the skin it shows as Kyle. Is there any way to specify a different alternate - I want the reborn/boss skin to show for those who do not have our skin.


Many Thanks.

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OK (Pardon my lack of experience), if I want to, say, point to a sound in the same folder as the config file what sort of path would I type? Also is there a way to cycle through sounds for a specific action? I am thinking particularly of taunts.


As for the default alternate skin - does anyone have any ideas?

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Actually I informed the author I was doing the modification. He asked that I do not post to the general public but did not seem to have any problem with me using it within the clan. I did ask him if I could post to JK2files but he said no :(


Besides - a lot of mods and skins say in the readme's that it is OK to modify them as long as the author is credited.


Besides (Part 2) - All of the skins I have seen so far are modifications of existing in game skins (The million Reborn variants come to mind). I have yet to see one truly original skin or model. How many people wrote to Raven asking for permission to re-texture their models?


Anyway - as I am only using this skin among the DJC clan and told the author, I am not doing anything wrong.


Now - can somebody PLEEEEAAASE tell me how to change the default alternate model? Even if it is just to say it is not possible!

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First and foremost.

Taunts MUST be 44100khz (I believe its khz) formatted as an Mp3

(Yes an Mp3, NOT a wav) and named "taunt.mp3"


I have found the best thing for simple wav 2 mp3 conversion is Music Match 7.1


Now, obviously your best bet is to create your own taunt.

I did this very thing for the Luke Skywalker skin(s) out there, but its for personal use only. i.e. never released it to the public.

Anyways, for the taunt, and as far as I know there is only ONE taunt per-character. there is a file each MP char. has called sounds.cfg


This is basically a wordpad type of file, and inside you would see:




and that is it.


So say your clan-skins name is Bob, you would type this:


Then once you bind a key to taunt:

i.e. bind x +taunt


Your character will play YOUR custom taunt


Keep in mind that the sounds.cfg MUST be in your characters folder along with the textures, etc


Now the "taunt.mp3" needs to go in a folder called 'misc' which will go inside another folder called 'bob' (for example) and that one goes inside a 'chars' folder:



pack everything up in .pk3 format and you should be good to go.


I hope this is helpful as I am kinda beat at the moment.








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"Besides (Part 2) - All of the skins I have seen so far are modifications of existing in game skins (The million Reborn variants come to mind). I have yet to see one truly original skin or model. How many people wrote to Raven asking for permission to re-texture their models?"



You sir, are an idiot.


First of all, Jedi Knight II is an open-source game as far as skinning, modelling, and all that goes. You don't need to ask permission because you are encouraged to create your own content.


Second of all, you have yet to see a truly original skin? Every single skin I have done is my own work; not some shabby ****ing recolor. If you modify MY skin without MY permission, you are violating my intellectual copyright. While I obviously can't take any legal action, you can be damn sure your name will be forever slandered as someone who merely rips off other skinners' work.



Now, go eat a bag of cock.

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I would rather not take you up on your last suggestion Mark_Li.


Quote: "First of all, Jedi Knight II is an open-source game as far as skinning, modelling, and all that goes." That was my point and thats why I thought your comment was unhelpful. Forgive me if I did not make that point well enough.


Look - I dont want to start an argument here. I am merely pointing out that I am not doing what you accused me of and that the skin is for clan use only. I have not seen your work so I can't comment personally on its originality. I am sure it is very good and probably much better than I can do.


I on the other hand am not a professional skinner - I do not wish to become a hotshot in the skinning community. I do not want to become a player in the skinning world on the backs of other people. All I want to do is have a nice little skin for use in the clan so there is no need to have my name 'forever slandered' in the skinning community because I do not wish to make a name for myself in that community. I am frankly not that good.


All I wanted is the answer to my two questions and Orbitäl has kindly answered one of them. Can you use your knowledge to answer the other? Please?


Anyway I am sorry to have offended you. If I see you in the game I will kneel and give you a free kill to compensate. Peace Man!!!!

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All right, lets take it easy, we don't need this to turn into the Patch thread :p



First of all, Jedi Knight II is an open-source game as far as skinning, modelling, and all that goes. You don't need to ask permission because you are encouraged to create your own content.


Exactly right. Raven and Lucasarts are the ONLY ones who can claim ownership of any of this stuff unless someone builds a model from scratch including their own skeleton and animations, then paints a skin from scratch. Raven doesn't care if someone modifies their skin, and we skinners shouldn't be too uptight about it either. As long as people are making real changes and not adjusting barely noticable things and calling it their own creation, it shouldn't really matter. Proper ettiquete, however, would be to always give credit if you're modifying someone else's skin images. If you're modifying Raven's skin images, it should be noted. If you're modifying someone else's from-scratch images (which there aren't that many of right now), you should note it. Preferably, in the latter case, you should get permission if you're releasing it to others for downloads.


So in summary, let's not get into anything big over someone modifying our skins, lest Raven change their minds about it too :p Constructive criticism will be far more helpful than "You stole my skin! It's now my mission to make your life a living hell!". I HIGHLY doubt there any people out there that would simply steal a skin and make subtle modifications just to call it their own. That would be stupid, and would call down the wrath of the community. Anyone using another person's skin to make their own is more likely new to skinning, and can probably use some good advice so they can move towards creating totally original works.


I hope you've enjoyed my little soapbox speech, if you didn't fall asleep halfway through :)



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Are you kidding me? You guys act like that? How do you expect anyone to learn man? If they are doing recolors, they are obviosly new, and learning. If you want the community to grow, this needs to be advocated somewhat. I'm new, but I did not do anything quite so cheap as a recolor.


I took a skin that needed some help and made it look at least 10 times better. The author said he didnt want anyone redoing his work, so I am in the process of redoing every file and putting it on a new model, though I dont have to go nearly that far to create a piece of original art.


Just for FYI, I can take the cover of Seventeen magazine and draw a moustache on the chic in the pic and suddenly, we have a piece of original art that in NO WAY infringes any legal copyrights.


Dont be petty man, encourage people who recolor to take a bigger step, explain why recolors suck, cause if thats all theyve done, it really isnt much. And help them learn, otherwise you are running off newbies to an art form they may otherwise excel at.


I downloaded the Jango Fett file from JK2.net and I have done this much work on him, I admit I took the face from another model, Im almost good enough to draw my own, but until then, Im borrowing, modifying, and giving credit. I was hoping to get some constructive critisism, but Im afraid from reading this, my first topic since I subscribed here, that Ill just get torn up for being a lame ass, even though wht I have done is a vast improvement, and it is NOT being distributed until I finish all the files and put it on another model. This was a practice lesson for me, but I think it turned out really nice. Im gonna hope someone has something to teach me.




Let me know what you think, good or bad, I can take it.


Oh, and by the way, Ill give inspiration credit to the author of the Jango, I d/led, even though by the time I am done, it will all be my own work.


Thank you.

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Originally posted by (IK) Lucifer

I took a skin that needed some help and made it look at least 10 times better. The author said he didnt want anyone redoing his work, so I am in the process of redoing every file and putting it on a new model, though I dont have to go nearly that far to create a piece of original art.


Sounds more like tracing to me. And also, if said author said "Don't modify with my skin" and yet you are simply redoing it one piece at a time (as in, you are looking at his skin, and colouring over the top of it,) then you are indeed, modifying his skin.


Originally posted by (IK) Lucifer

Just for FYI, I can take the cover of Seventeen magazine and draw a moustache on the chic in the pic and suddenly, we have a piece of original art that in NO WAY infringes any legal copyrights.


So you're saying that if you take another persons' skin, and add a moustache to it, it becomes your original art, and not an infringement on someone else's intellectual property?


Sounds more like bull**** to me. But hey, that's just the side of the coin that I see...

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lol you missed my point, but its no less than I expected. I would not be so stupid as to actually do that and try to claim it.


What I have done is definately NOT tracing, but Im not going to bother explaining things to you, because I can see your mindset already. I told you, I am a beginner, and I want help and criticism, if you are just going to bash me personally, then I am in the wrong place, and I will leave you to your ego.


Look here and tell me that I did not do a decent job of my goal of improving it. As I said before, and this should be the part you quote from, this was done for practiceand until I make all new files for another model, I am not distributing it. And when I do I am giving inspirational credit to the original author of the skin below.




Dude, if you are going to condemn me, at least acknowledge that you read my entire post and chose to ignore the important parts of it.

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I should have known better than to post in a place full of hormonally impaired teenage computer geeks. lol


Id like to see you make one that came out that nice.


Jack ass.


I wont be back.


Later on kids.



EDIT- Im sorry I have to take back the "I wont be back" statement.


You two imbeciles just inspired me to look a little hared for the .pk3 files in the assets file. I was going to ask you how to find them, but you pissed me off enough I figured it out for myself. Look what anger does to me, it makes work better and faster, lol Ive been searching winzip for a week and a half for those files, now I have them and you cant call me anything like a rip off artist or plaguerist ar any other damn thing. I know how to skin now, and I have the blank files to work with from JK2.net. So get ready to be outdone punks, because I GUARANTEE I am going to be better at this than you two are.


You better start earning your bragging rights, cause Im getting started now.


I wish you luck.

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Geez, guys. Just because people aren't Gods at skinning like you doesn't mean you need to attack them. I'm sure that when you started skinning, you just picked up the tools and created a masterpeice your first try. Somehow I doubt you didn't also start off by modifying skins. If you aren't going to provide constructive criticism, then keep your opinion to yourself. We don't need people new to skinning being discouraged for no apparent reason.


What I got out of (IK) Lucifer's comments about his Jango skin is that he saw a Jango skin out there and decided he wanted to create a better one, so he started one based off the same model. He specifically said he did NOT modify the other Jango skin.


Please, PLEASE let's keep this part of the JediKnightII.net forums civilized and a good place for people to go for help/feedback/etc. I don't think i can go into the Valley of the Jedi section of the forums anymore because it's degenerated into just one big conflict. Remember that the point of this Skinning forum is for the skinning community to help each other, even new skinners. If you can't accept skinning newbies, then the only people who can post in here anymore are the Raven designers.


Lucifer, don't let them goad you into dropping to that level. Just remember that out of the numerous people who posted in this thread, only a couple acted like that. :)



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BradFu pretty much sums it up. this forum is for learning. If you wanna bash someone take it somewhere else. Also this game IS opensource. Guess what, thats what opensource software is all about. Taking someone elses' work and modifying it. Be it the Raven designers or another skinner. Thats what makes it so great. So dump the Microsoft mentality, and just be proud of the fact that someone liked your skin enough to modify it. Cause once you put your skin up for download, you give up all your rights to it. BTW Lucifer your skin does look better than the original. If your new to skinning, and making improvements that well, just think what you'll be doing 6 months from now. Rock on brother!

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Cool man, Im glad somebody here is over 18.


Now I did play with the original files, but I am in the process of constructing my own, like I said, it was a lesson for me, I just thought it looked nice and wanted an opinion or two from people who have done this before.


I know how to do it from scratch now. I can make cloth textures, metal, etc. I am colorblind, so I am not great with skin yet, but Im working on it. Im sampling other works for skin until I get a feel for it. ANYTHING I borrow will alwways be credited.


I am NOT DISTRIBUTING what I did with the Jango file I d/led. But what is on my comp, is mine to fool with. I just wanted an opinion on the screenshot I provided.


Not too hard to do, really. Unless you are offended that a newbie can do that on his first attempt. Then you may feel like trying to run me off, before I learn too much. lol


Still, Im about 5 skins right now, 3 are for friends alone, the rest I may put up for download.


Am I to believe that noone here overwrites the Desann jpg files to alter the skin? Do you all start off with blank jpgs? Even the "Dark Kyle" and "New Reborn" type stuff? Come on guys, I know you at least use the blank reference skins from JK2.net, if you dont then how in hell do you know what size and shape to make the boots part of the skin?


I dont think ANYTHING out right now is completely from scratch, made from files you created as blanks and filled in. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Ill be using those reference skins, just so you guys have to shut your traps.


Get ready, I have tons of free time, I love star wars, I love this game, and I am going to contribute now that I know how. And I love realistic, nearly accurate skins.


Thanks for being an adult BradFu.


Now, if anyone can tell me their opinion of how my skin looks instead of what they think of how I made it I'd be glad to hear it.


My next one will be all my work, I now have the neccessary files, which I did not have when I began this oh so controversial skin.

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My first skin was done from scratch. I learned how to skin overnight, did 15 player skins in a week, and was brought onto the Opera devteam.


I have never made a simple recolor in my entire life. Nor have I ever taken a skin from an independant skinner OR a games base skins and "modified" it.


Be original. Make your own stuff. Thats how you learn, man.

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Hey it looks like you got pretty lucky! You got a frggin job doing this? Id love that!


Thats why I am here, I want to know what helped you guys learn. I am in the dark as to how to go about this stuff correctly.


I was going to ask how to find the original .pk3 files from you guys, cause Ive been looking for them, but, lol, I got 'inspired' after I felt attacked. I guess I should say thanks.


Look man, I dont want to fight with anyone, but I feel I am following closely to proper ettiquete here. Ya I admit I goofed with the files, but I didnt know how they worked until the other day. I'm on a farm in Kansas, with no real life computer geeks as friends. Im kind of a closet computer geek myself, but I dont have many to talk to about this stuff other than my Clan. I was hoping to make some friends here that could show me the light.


I didnt come here to say, "Hey look at me! I'm a buttnut with a computer!". I came here for help. Im currently laid off, have been for a while, noone is hiring in my industry, they just keep making more cutbacks, so Ive learned alot about computers recently, and I would LOVE to have a jod doing ANYTHING with games. Skinning seems fun, Modelling does too, but I havent caught onto 3dMax yet.


I have no idea how you can just jump into these files and create a skin from nothing, not knowing how they work though, but if you really did that, good for you. I had to go with the"Lets tweak this and see what happens" routine until I figured it out.


But, now Im ready to go, and I hope you will be more understanding the next time I post a skin Ive made. I really didnt see the need to rip me up because of a screen shot, all I wanted to know is if you guys who do it all the time, thought I should keep going in this medium of computer art.

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