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Modifying a skin I downloaded

Darth Maniac

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lighten up and quit actin like children. if ppl come here to ask for help, you should help em. dont slam em for trying to learn. there isnt anything wrong with learning from someone else's work. there isnt exactly a written guide readily available to new comers.


my thanks for being a cool person brad_fu.


the rest of you accomplished skinners seem to have a bit of a software snob complex. as my colleague crafty pointed out it is open source. if you dont want your **** messed with dont put it up for public d/l. kind of a simple idea that seems to be eluding you fine and dandy elite skinners.

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Open source and everything is one of the greatest concepts around! One starts something and another one perfects it and the end result is something that makes the community a better place for everyone! But at the same time, open source has nothing to do with intelectual rights. The day a skinner see is stuff that he spent hours on posted on another website and someone is taking credit without even mentioning is name... that will be the end of that skinner posting for the public! And that is the greatest loss for everyone. Giving credit to the poor sod that spent hours skinning for the community (be it modifying or whatever, he still spent HIS time) is the least you can do! (maybe telling the "original" developper that you are using his stuff is the second least :):)) And it make the community better since appreciation and credit are the only currency you may see! (damn, I even like to give credits to the tutorials I have found and liked and used!!!).


For me, after that, do absolutely whatever you want with what you download, absolute freedom modify, trace, colour, etc! If it's posted it's there for this (for me).


You can't imagine how good it feels to receive a mail telling you that your hard work is appreciated and that it's being modified and improved.


And since special attention SHOULD be given to people entering and begininng (be it skinning, PHP programming or whatever open sourcing)... Lucifer you have my full support and I hope to see your future works posted.;) ;) ;)


Giving credit is free and it goes a long way to make the world a better place.

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Originally posted by (IK) Lucifer

What I have done is definately NOT tracing, but Im not going to bother explaining things to you, because I can see your mindset already. I told you, I am a beginner, and I want help and criticism, if you are just going to bash me personally, then I am in the wrong place, and I will leave you to your ego.


You fail to see my mindset, as you failed to see the whole "that's the side of the coin that I can see" message at the bottom. And as for my ego, I fail to see where my ego was portrayed even once in my reply.


Originally posted by (IK) Lucifer

Look here and tell me that I did not do a decent job of my goal of improving it. As I said before, and this should be the part you quote from, this was done for practiceand until I make all new files for another model, I am not distributing it. And when I do I am giving inspirational credit to the original author of the skin below.


You did a great job improving it. All I said was that if the author of that skin said you could not modify it, that means you can not modify it. Simple as that.


Originally posted by (IK) Lucifer

Dude, if you are going to condemn me, at least acknowledge that you read my entire post and chose to ignore the important parts of it.


Again, you misinterpret me. I was not condemning you, only stating that you are not allow to **** with people's skins if they have stated they don't want them ****ed with. Also, I read your entire post(s) or I wouldn't have even bothered wasting my time posting a reply to you. I distinctly read "I took a skin that needed some help and made it look at least 10 times better. The author said he didnt want anyone redoing his work, so I am in the process of redoing every file and putting it on a new model, though I dont have to go nearly that far to create a piece of original art." and I also read "Besides - a lot of mods and skins say in the readme's that it is OK to modify them as long as the author is credited." - clearly it's stated that it's okay with most but not all skins. I was bringing that to your attention. Nothing more...


Of course, if you want to go the whole Ego route, I'm pretty sure I read this:


"I do not wish to become a hotshot in the skinning community. I do not want to become a player in the skinning world on the backs of other people."


Followed a few short posts by this:


"I know how to skin now, and I have the blank files to work with from JK2.net. So get ready to be outdone punks, because I GUARANTEE I am going to be better at this than you two are."


Ego, me? I think not. I not once made a claim about how uber I was at skinning, or how uber I was at modelling, or even how uber I am at Star Wars. So do the same and at least pretend to read my entire post, instead of just taking the bad from it and ruining your day. I mean c'mon, arguing over the internet is about as stupid a thing I can think of.



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Originally posted by L2.0

Again, you misinterpret me. I was not condemning you, only stating that you are not allow to **** with people's skins if they have stated they don't want them ****ed with.


Frankly and honestly, yes he is allowed to **** with people's skins. You can't claim intellectual property if your work is built on the work of others. You can get annoyed and upset about it, but legally (which is how 'allowed' is defined in this case) there's nothing for you to stand on. You seem to repeatedly misunderstand what he's saying about that particular model. What he's saying is that he saw a skin on a certain model, and decided he could do better. So he built his own skin on that model WITHOUT using the other person's skin images. That's where he gets the impression that you're not reading his post, and I get the same impression.


To attack someone who is clearly trying to learn skinning indicates there's something you're trying to get out of them. In this case, the only thing you could get from them is to stop skinning. I'm not sure what that could do for you other than make more room for you in the spotlight.


If you want to reply again, you're of course free to, but I would highly recommend abandoning your attack before other users wander into this thread and see how you're acting.


We don't need attacks in this forum. We need constructive criticism. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.



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Thank you.


Hey man, I get pissed off when someone attacks me, and then yes, my ego comes out.


Youre right, arguing ove the internet is stupid. to paraphrase a popular saying, Its like the Special Olympics, even if you win, youre still a retard.


Our opinions seem to differ, Im willing to it go and just get on with our individual activities.


Im doing original work now, with exceptions of skin colorings, I am very colorblind, but I am getting around it.


Anyway, lets drop it, and carry on.

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Wow - I go to Dublin for 5 days and when I come back this thread has turned into a major debate!!!! I am glad some people see my point.


As it seems that this thread has got a lot of attention, can someone answer question 2 (See summary below)?


"If people do not have the skin it shows as Kyle. Is there any way to specify a different alternate - I want the reborn/boss skin to show for those who do not have our skin. "


If it is not possible can someone please tell me that?


Many thanks.

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