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Help: Game Crashes on Map Rotation


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our team has just started a new dedicated server with clanservers.net called ROMAN JEDI ARENA. it works great except for ONE very annoying thing--when the map rotates half the players time out and have to reboot their computers about 80% of the time. i know because the same thing has happened to me, and one time i actually was able to get to the next map and saw six ppl time out/drop right before my very eyes. of course, the company says that it works fine when "they" play, but i've heard from several in and out of our team that have problems...any ideas? does the game need patching, perhaps? this only happens on our server and not when i play on others...

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There's another thread here about this that might be worth watching. I've hit the same problem. If it continues to be bad, I'm going to do some analysis and remove all custom maps and skins to see if that'll help.

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You are not alone. I used to think it was just my server. When I have gone on other servers my computer has crashed on map change. I now play the game in a window so I can still get out of the game without having to reset my computer. i just hope the next patch will sort this problem out.

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Ping is 100% completely irrelevant as far as sv_timeout goes. What matters is the time it takes your system to load the next map. If it's longer than the sv_timeout, then the server will drop you. One other thing to watch for is "server command overflow". If you see someone get dropped for that reason, then you're running into a problem that's been around for a LONG time and has yet to be solved except by a mod for Q3.

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this problem has nothing to do with ping or sv_timeout. i think it's something else completely, and it needs to be fixed. ppl who have been dropped have had perfect pings, etc. but for some strange reason, half the ppl in our server get dropped on map rotation. i guess no one knows, so i'll wait for a patch. thanks anyway for giving this one a go.

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Well gang,


Last night I finally got fed up with the unreliability of the server. After moving out all but the standard pk3's I shut the puppy down and started it back up from the command line.


As a result, it appears far more stable than it once was. I'm /also/ going to remove special skins from my client as well as any special maps I don't plan to use on my server.


Mostly, my increased hangs were the result of adding custom skins to the server (that is, over the past two days when I added them, I saw a marked increase in the number of timeouts and /I/ started suffering them). After May 15 (and after dedicated server 1.03) I'll look into adding a custom map back into rotation, but at this point, I have a pathological fear of custom skins.



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