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In jk2 radiant, I cannot figure out how to set the message key for worldspawn. When I right-click and click worldspawn, I get this message: can't create an entity with worldspawn. All the other entities are there, which was a pain to figure out. What am I doing wrong?

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Look when you klik to build a world spawn, you will get an error but if you look you will see the program has created a brush.


my solution = make the new brush into a worldspawn with the entity menu. ;)


ps: dont forget to vote the new pol

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ok ill put this in lamens terms.....

a wordspawn is created by default you do not have to add on....click an any brush or have none selected i dont care....but press the key on your keyboard that looks like this...N...

N for entity....scroll down to worldspawn..highlight it and edit key and value if you need to.... I will say this again...you cannot create a worldspawn it is already there by default...go into the entity menu without making one goto bottom of list select and edit....

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