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Sick and Tired...


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All in all this game is pretty good, but there are some things about multiplayer that I just find so frustrating. Here I will compile an extensive list of such problems.


Firstly, is the lightsaber. This weapon is cheap as hell. It's not fair that it can be used to block my bryar pistol even when it is charged all the way up. Also, you shouldn't be able to throw it, that's so cheap. It takes away too much damage when you swing it at someone. I think they should release a patch so that you can't use the saber.


There are some other weapons which are just far too powerful and should be removed from the game. For example, the secondary fire on the E-11 blaster rifle is too fast. Also, the disruptor rifle should not have a scope on it. that makes it too hard to dodge.


The bowcaster is too accurate. This one time a guy killed me from all the way accross a map. YEAH RIGHT!!


the repeater is out. It's way to easy to kill people with it.


DEMP 2 gun is alright with me, but if you wanted to make the game really fair, they should scrap it too.


Anything explosive should also be removed from the game. I saw all of the Star Wars movies and I don't remember anything exploding in them. Lucasarts should watch those movies so that they don't make stupid exploding weapons that have no place in the star wars universe. Anyway, a real jedi wouldn't use stupid cheap weapons. He would probably just stare people to death.


In addition, I think that they should get rid of force powers altogether. I thought the jedi were supposed to have been wiped out. Also, it's really cheap when someone throws you off the edge of a cliff, or jumps too high. I've never seen anyone jump that high in real life and to watch it in a video game...well, it's just rediculous.


I also think that the maps are far too complicated. I mean, you can't just worry about whats in front of you, but also whats behind you. Not to mention what's above or below you. It's not fair when some newbie attacks you from a higher level and then you fall off into some dark chasm below. Maps should all be simplified to big open rooms with four walls and a floor to prevent any confusion.


I have taken the liberty of making these suggestions to the people who make the patches (I saw a link for suggestions on the website). I got a reply saying they were going to take my ideas very seriously. With any luck, maybe we will get a multiplayer game that is actually fun to play, if they release a patch with the changes I have outlined.

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So...are you suggesting that the patch alter JK2MP to the following:


No lightsaber

No force powers

No guns except for maybe the blaster pistol

All maps to be changed to a big square room (maybe with a REALLY high ceiling)


This *is* joke right? Please tell me you are joking. Please.

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all I'm saying is that it takes real skill to kill someone on equal ground with the bryar pistol. It sucks when you are fighting someone with your pistol, and they pull out a damn rocket launcher. That's so bloody cheap. They need to make the game so that it's fair. That's all.

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Ok, so you want a FPS without lightsabers, force, explosions, or fun in general... What do you think this is...Star Trek?


*prepares for onslaught of Trekkie flames :D*


I'm kidding about the Star Trek thing...but seriously, isn't the point of Star Wars to be like this? You know, unrealistic? Games aren't supposed to be real, they're supposed to be fun.

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Most of the people who have been here longer than me are posting about why they hate heavy stance or why they hate force power x, or why they hate this type of player.


Then along comes little old me, a brilliant satirist and everyone turns against me.


well, I'll tell you what I hate about JKII. I HATE YOU!



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This is what I had lined up to say to you:


Oh great , her ewe go another whiner.


If you are so annoyed with the game then dont play it. If you remove all the stuff you're asking to be removed then you are left with a Star Trek game. As for he "no exploding weapons" , where the hell do you think the thermal detonator comes from. you claim you have seen the star wars movies. Well in ROTJ the seen that goes on for 2 1/2 minutes where Leia is in bounty hunter form and has the thermal detonator in her hand...well then there you go.


How can you like Star Wars when all you want to do is replace one of the most important things about Star Wars IE the Lightsaber and the Force. It practically makes up the theory of Star Wars. Im sure Lucas wrote these films with that basci storyline to have laser swords and a mystery force that can manilpulate things. Not just some pointless space battles.


If you feel so strongly about removing the stuff go make a mod or play another game completely , coz im sick of hearing about how people are so "sick and tired" about this game.


PLz dont do that again , that took some time to write out ;):p

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Originally posted by HappyPrancer



Most of the people who have been here longer than me are posting about why they hate heavy stance or why they hate force power x, or why they hate this type of player.


Then along comes little old me, a brilliant satirist and everyone turns against me.


well, I'll tell you what I hate about JKII. I HATE YOU!




Do I care what you think of me? Not really. Want to duel over it sometime?

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Originally posted by HappyPrancer

All in all this game is pretty good, but there are some things about multiplayer that I just find so frustrating. Here I will compile an extensive list of such problems.


Firstly, is the lightsaber. This weapon is cheap as hell. It's not fair that it can be used to block my bryar pistol even when it is charged all the way up. Also, you shouldn't be able to throw it, that's so cheap. It takes away too much damage when you swing it at someone. I think they should release a patch so that you can't use the saber.


There are some other weapons which are just far too powerful and should be removed from the game. For example, the secondary fire on the E-11 blaster rifle is too fast. Also, the disruptor rifle should not have a scope on it. that makes it too hard to dodge.


The bowcaster is too accurate. This one time a guy killed me from all the way accross a map. YEAH RIGHT!!


the repeater is out. It's way to easy to kill people with it.


DEMP 2 gun is alright with me, but if you wanted to make the game really fair, they should scrap it too.


Anything explosive should also be removed from the game. I saw all of the Star Wars movies and I don't remember anything exploding in them. Lucasarts should watch those movies so that they don't make stupid exploding weapons that have no place in the star wars universe. Anyway, a real jedi wouldn't use stupid cheap weapons. He would probably just stare people to death.


In addition, I think that they should get rid of force powers altogether. I thought the jedi were supposed to have been wiped out. Also, it's really cheap when someone throws you off the edge of a cliff, or jumps too high. I've never seen anyone jump that high in real life and to watch it in a video game...well, it's just rediculous.


I also think that the maps are far too complicated. I mean, you can't just worry about whats in front of you, but also whats behind you. Not to mention what's above or below you. It's not fair when some newbie attacks you from a higher level and then you fall off into some dark chasm below. Maps should all be simplified to big open rooms with four walls and a floor to prevent any confusion.


I have taken the liberty of making these suggestions to the people who make the patches (I saw a link for suggestions on the website). I got a reply saying they were going to take my ideas very seriously. With any luck, maybe we will get a multiplayer game that is actually fun to play, if they release a patch with the changes I have outlined.









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Firstly let me say that I completely and totally support all points made in your original post. The lightsaber should've never made it into the game as it is almost impossible to balance other weapons to be fair against it. Same thing goes for the exploding projectiles, they are far too powerful. And Force powers are simply unbalanced because it wouldn't be fair if one player could fling things back and forth AND use a rocket launcher at the same time, and all you have is a discharged Bryar pistol.


Additionally, I believe that the game uses graphics that are much too advanced. This places the players with lower-end machines at a severe disadvantage; I strongly believe that some options need to be permanently and forcibly turned off to make the game playable on a 80486 with a 28.8K modem.


I too have submitted my suggestions to the designers and was assured that they will be taken quite seriously. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Originally posted by Damar Stiehl

Firstly let me say that I completely and totally support all points made in your original post. The lightsaber should've never made it into the game as it is almost impossible to balance other weapons to be fair against it. Same thing goes for the exploding projectiles, they are far too powerful. And Force powers are simply unbalanced because it wouldn't be fair if one player could fling things back and forth AND use a rocket launcher at the same time, and all you have is a discharged Bryar pistol.


Additionally, I believe that the game uses graphics that are much too advanced. This places the players with lower-end machines at a severe disadvantage; I strongly believe that some options need to be permanently and forcibly turned off to make the game playable on a 80486 with a 28.8K modem.


I too have submitted my suggestions to the designers and was assured that they will be taken quite seriously. Thanks for the inspiration!









your a GAY BOY! :D

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LOL..now I dont feel so bad. After reading some of the replys to my postings...I began to think I was communicating in another language. But after reading the responses here I know this forum is just teeming with people that must not be able to read or simply have the absolute WORST comprehension skills in the world.

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