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A true Jedi will help newbies!


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You keep reading about it:


These newbies are ruining the game! :ball:


Stop whining about newbies, you were once as well.


Get the person's attention and have a small in-game chat.


Offer to show the newbie what you know and get him interested in playing the game with skill.


Offer to duel him and take a few minutes of your precious time to show the newbie how to swing a saber, kick people, use force push and pull correctly, etc.

Once that 'newbie' learns how cool it is to play well, he'll be wanting to learn more and focus on developing skills instead of just randomly trying things out.




I believe it's our obligation as we become more 'seasoned players' to show the 'newbies' how to play better instead of just complaining about them all the time or calling them names.


It's the only true way to make this a better community.



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Yah, it's great fun.


I wish more people did it.


I find at the end of the night I accomplished something more than just scoring a bunch of kills or refining some skills.


Helping out newbies will bring a smile to your face:



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If someone is curious and polite only a real jerk wouldn't help them, that or someone who's too busy playing the game at the time. What I don't like are people who demand to know things, and get in your face about it. I tend to ignore them.

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There's always one...


Back on topic now, yeah - a couple of people have approached me to ask for training or tips on a certain move, it is fun, and the satisfaction of watching your newly-trained jedi beating someone else with the moves you taught them is great! :)

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Yeah, I was once a trainee.. a jedi master called Jedi Knoedel taught me a cool trick (the one where you throw the saber and it circles around you forever). After many tries i got the move and showed my master... it was just plain cool, and we were talking Jedi-like :D

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I personally think it's great to show them how to do all this stuff in the game, then watch them go and actually use it. I get such a kick out of that, and it makes all the time you take to train them worth it.


I always try and take time to answer a chatted question about "how do you do x?", the only times are when I'm busy being chain duelled or something (Do you ever get that? You really want to go and get healed because you're on 10hp, but three more people turn up just as you finish fighting and you'd feel like you slighted them by running away...)

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Originally posted by hyrit

Is it just me, or are you guys making this sound more like Pokemon? "Train your padawan, and send him into battle!"


"N00bi3, I choose you!"

*throws a newbie Jedi into the fight*





n00b 6, your up!! MOVE IT...



StarWars Ep 2: n00b Wars



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If I train my padawan enough, will he evolve into a Jedi Master? I don't want another Stance Whiner, I have 3 already :>


btw, kicking someone requires force jump 2+, that's why it only works with Force enabled.


Is a Force Lightning user vulnerable to water based attack? Do Psychic Seeing Jedi take extra damage from physical attacks?

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"Dammit, my padawan won't digivolve!! What level is this moron, anyway??"


"Remember now, take your padawan out for walks at least three times a day. More if they drink a lot of fluids."


"Your padawan will not want to take baths, but it is your duty as mentor to keep him free of ticks and fleas."


Oh I could go on all day. :D

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