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Jango and Boba Fett


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Well I finally decided to put a thread on this forum as well.


Well.. here's some up to date info.


Model already tested in-game. Some minor animation bug fixing left to do.


Almost done with Jango.


The Skin is being made by Absath and it's almost done as well.


When Jango is finished I'll make modifications to make Boba as well. After Jango is finished it'll probably take very little time for Boba to be finished as well since it's just a matter of adding and removing some accessories.


Boba's skin is too already under way by Absath.


This is the Latest screeny so far. Stay tunned for an in-game picture soon to come.



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That looks top notch, man. The proportions look dead on (which is something that's almost always screwed up on a Mandalorian model). My only complaint is that the texturing is very flat. Is there any chance of getting a subtle chrome effect on his armor (like Barney in Half-Life?)? And if not, maybe a little more shading around the edges of the metal?


Sorry, don't mean to pick on it! I really really am looking forward to using this model! :D:fett::D

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If ya want to talk skinning it's absath you wanna talk to. I'm just the modeler here :)


But I can assure you that that skin is not the final.

Absath is just trying it in game to get the right brightnes s for it since the game engine alters the lightining a bit. Also He's gonna work out the shaders which will add a lot of extra detail.


This model is not yet completed so i'd just like to say that your opinions would be correct if this was supposed to be the final version of the model... but it's not. So just stay tunned for updates


Release date: Still unknown... when it's Done :).

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yup, any questions about the skins can be directed to me on the general editing thread. for any that dont know, we'll be releasing a package deal that will include:Jango fett, Boba Fett, and two other mandalorian warriors and very possibly a map with Slave I in it. Each skin will feature taunts, bot support and CTF colors


for in-game screenshots, check out the boba thread in the general editing forum.






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Hiya. Great work so far. Just a tiny little request. For one of the "other 2 mandalors" how about Jodo Kast? His armor would be older looking like Boba Fett's, but with drastically different scarring and orange markings instead of red.:D

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Nice! Just a few questions tho:

1. What program did you use? 3DSM or gmax? Or something else entirely?

2. What are you using for the animations? I thought you had to use SoftImage, but is there a cheaper alternative? Or are you rich enough to fork out for it?

3. How long did this take?

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I'm guessing Raven are offering you jobs at this moment in time..


Your skin is great, of course - once it's released, you two will get a lot more demands for SW skins, but at the moment, this own0rz. I agree with Darth Matrix though, it may need a little bit more detail.. it just seems to bright for Jango Fett.

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i have no doubt, that when Bloodriot and absath think that their models are ready to be released, they will be absolutely perfect.

i haven't seen many modders that pay so much attention to detail. and making nearly every step of their work public in the forums is something, i wouldn't do, because some people are never satisfied and verbal attacks instead of productive criticism can really kill your motivation.

so thank you guys, for everything you did and do to get this fantastic models to the community.

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Well, The Jango model is practically done. I dunno what more can be done to him. Now all that's left to do is making a copy of the file and make the necessary changes so it becomes Boba.


The animation has a few minor bugs that will only be fixed if their too visible in game. That will be determined in the beta tests.


Those bugs are nothing more that a lil clipping in the arms(only with the saber... other weapons dont cause this as far as I noticed.)


I've tried changing the skeleton assigning but that changed little. The effect was the same and the some tests that corrected it caused other errors in turn which were by far more visible, like huge deformities in the shoulders and shoulder pads, like the shoulderpads streching far too much.

I'll go by the law of the lesser error prefered. If in the meantime and on future models I learn more on this and know how to correct it, I'll post a revised version.


I'll try to set up a beta test by tonight, and if the model passes the tests it will be posted for download very soon.

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