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Turning Surfaces On/Off


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I've been playing with the Jan model, and based on the npcs.cfg file, I've figured out how to turn it into a more generic female model. I can do this in ModView, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to actually save a model with different surfaces on/off. Anyone know how to do it?




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Thanks for the reply, Absath :) I should have posted a "nevermind" here, but I've been using the new methods since about 10 minutes after Mike posted that stuff :)


Orbitäl: Through all my digging in the surfaces in the Jan model, I haven't found an alternate for the right hand. I think it's something we'll have to live with until (if) someone decides to modify the model itself. What I've done is just try to work around it, and add symetry by adding a glove to the left hand, as well as changing some of the details on the right-hand gauntlet. There's a noticeable difference, but it's not too bad.



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Ive been jacking with the surfaces of the Jedi Trainer with little luck. After poking around in here, I gather that you can only turn a surface off if there is an alternative to turn on, is that correct? Ive been trying to turn off the shoulder pad, but the damn thing keeps looking at me funny every time I try.


Oh ya, I want to ask.. are alot of people in this community harsh on newbies? I've seen a couple newbies to skinning get ripped up for their baby steps, and I was wondering how bad it will be when I read the replies to the pic I posted of a D/Led skin I totally revamped. It really needed it. And i was a great learning experience.


But the question in my first paragraph is whats important in this post.



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I've played around a little with the Jedi Trainer as well, the shoulder pad turned off looks great to me. Make sure you're turning off torso_shoulder_pad. With that off, it looks perfectly fine to me. When you're doing it, what does it lok like exactly? I was trying to find a way to turn off his topknot thing, but couldn't find anything seperate from the entire back of his head.



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