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negative max clients?


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My server.cfg includes:


seta sv_maxclients 4


And when I look at my server, either under Internet connections or Local connections, the number of players is 0/-4. I also added:


seta g_maxGameClients 4


but it didn't fix anything.. I didn't have this problem before, any ideas on what would be causing it? I'm using the external Win32 ded server, not the built in one.

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The number of slots shown in the in-game browser (and some 3rd party browsers) show only public slots. When you set sv_privateClients to something other than 0, the total number of public slots is reduced by same. So, if you have sv_maxclients 10 and sv_privateClients 8, you only have 2 public slots. If you set the private clients to something more than the max clients, you get a negative number. :) Not too bright, is it?

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