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''They are no match for droideka''


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Oi all, i'm bit of a newbie here, so if i ask stupid questions, please don't get to worked up, and if you are ever in need of help on modding Homeworld, i'm there :) This mesh kept me busy all night, hope you like what i got so far.




Still in progress, and the mesh needs loads of refinement.


Cheers all,



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Bit of progress, and a larger to pic to bring out the details. i'm thinking of slightly altering the head.




Would something like this even be possible in JK2 ? And if so, are there any specific guidelines on modelling and texturing i should follow? You will have to excuse my lack of knowledge about JK2 modding :)


edit: changed link to more stable host

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hmm very nice. please tell me you have Softimage|XSI.


...you do know that you need xsi... right?


see in order to use assimilate to create a glm model you need an aniamated *.XSI file.

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k3po: yeah i have softimage, i have no idea how to use it though, so that will take alot of practice before i can do anything substantial :/


Madjai: yeah i know what you mean, an ep1 TC would be awesome :)


i may do the standard trade fed droid after i finish this one, when it comes to modelling mechanical designs are a big favorite of mine :)

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That droid is looking good, but wouldn't it be much easier if you used planar projection mapping to texture it?


The droideka sits around 6000 polys, but before i start cutting polys and lodding, i want to be sure i can get it ingame.

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The model is great.


Unfortunatly you are heading into a whole heap o' trouble to put it in the game.


You'll need to create a new skeleton and animations for it. Using the _humanoid.gla seems pretty out of the question unless you want a drunkendeka.


It's too bad cuz your model rocks. Very nice indeed.


If you can't use it for player model maybe you can add it only as a NPC. Try making him static like a turret or something first... then try to animate him.


The model has potential. I trully hope you can make something out of it.


Keep it close to you cuz maybe a future tool release will provide you with way to use it more efficiently in game.


Keep it up dude. That model rocks.

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well its a nice model, but its polycount is twice what it should be. I agree with bloodriot that if you intend on gettin git in game your gonna have a hell of a creating anf animation a new skeletan in softimage, and then you've got to get it to work with the game.

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hmm i was under the impression that this model was solely going to be used in single player because, well, look at it, how in the world would you be able to play as that?

Ber§erK, do you actually want this to be used as a MP model or are you interested in using this for a possible EpI TC?

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I agree, if the mechs in the game can do it, this Droideka can be done. It'll just take a lot of extra work creating a new skeleton and new animations. Has anyone played as the mechs in multiplayer, by the way?



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Actually, this started out as a bit of a fun project, especially because i went way over my targeted polycount. But if this can work ingame, i will decrease the polycount to acceptable levels and skin it the way it's supposed to (still haven't got a clue about that, uv mapping?). I might require a bit of help with the whole new skeleton and animations that have to be made though.


I would love to see this appear in an ep1 mod as a new enemy to slash up with your lightsaber. Seeing as i'm no expert, i have no idea if this will work as a multiplayer model.


Cheers for all the positive replies :)

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