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2 Bugs (Cairn Docks, Doom_Detention)


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I don't know if this has been reported yet but I encountered two bugs, one in Cairn Docks and one in Doomgiver Detention.


Bug No. 1:

In Cairn Docks on the way to the doomgiver there is that one situation where you have to get through a room full of imperials by turning the lights off and then sneak through the room. What I did is I tried out the switch and turned the lights off. Then I wanted to wait until the lights go back on again, just to see how much time I have to pull this trick off, like if I have to use force speed or not... . When the lights came back on, I couldn't turn them off again. The switch was still blinking (normally, the switches that can be used once only stop blinking once they were pressed) but still I couldn't turn the lights off again. I didn't find any other way to get through the room since there was no way to avoid being seen. As I had been only using the quicksave function for a while I had to restart from my last manual savegame which was quite some time ago... grrrr...!!!!


Bug No. 2:

When you free Jan, you have to work together with her to open the doors ("Dual switches!...Kyle, hold down the switch"). Here I encountered a bug as well: when holding down the switch, Jan is supposed to run past you to the next switch. Which in my case she didn't do. She just kept standing there looking stupid. Also here, my quicksave files didnt help, I had to play the whole thing all over again. Then in worked...


Can anyone tell me if the same problem occured?


Thanks for feedback and thanks to Raven for fixing this...

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