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Help Again!!!!!


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What should i do at the point where I am supposed to rendezvous with some people at the Raven's Claw.


I suspect that I should do something to remove those imperial two-legged "walkers", but I have no idea how to do that. The ones that are in the "storage room". I have allready killed three AT-PT :s in the begining of this level. I think it's in the end of this stage.


I have already disabled the gun turrents.


Level: Aturs_topside


Can someone assist me on this issue?

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Has Jan come back yet? You'll know because she will tell you that she can't land in the canyon. The walkers in the large room are only there for decoration, they have no bearing on the mission objects at all. Be sure that you kill all of the ones in the canyon with the high-powered gun turrets.


You said you destroyed the canons right? Once you do that, if you go back into the building that's got all of AT-STs in it, a new door on the otherside is now accessible. From there, you'll meet Dessan for the first time. Don't try to beat him, you're supposed to lose.


Hope that helps.

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