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Downloading demo level only


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Just wondering: Would anybody be able to take apart the demo so that only the level and necessary files are downloaded? I already have the game, I don't need the demo, just the new levels I want to try out.



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if it is only dloadable with the demo than dload the demo, rip it out of the pk3 and put it and its textures and such into the proper folders under the retail JK2

simple as that really. theres no way the map could be exclusively programmed to work with the demo only.

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Originally posted by GRIMLOCK

if it is only dloadable with the demo than dload the demo, rip it out of the pk3 and put it and its textures and such into the proper folders under the retail JK2

simple as that really. theres no way the map could be exclusively programmed to work with the demo only.




anybody know if this is the E3 level? or is that the one with the new patch, with the reflecive floors?(YESYESYES mx400 works with the shineys!!!:D )

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What GRIMLOCK suggests I was able to do last week with the unpatched version and the level worked without a problem. When I get back to work I'll check with the 1.03 version.


So worse case: people would have to install the demo, rename the PAK file and copy it over to their JK2 retail version. Then load it via the console.


I will try to arrange for an easier way to do this before the demo comes out.

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??? could it be??? a LEC rep, TALKING to users and taking suggestions?


/me dies of shock


no really I must have died and gone to heaven... :D


welcome to the fourms dude.... real nice to see you...


hope this wont be considered a bribe;) *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM* enjoy your gift:cool:


edit: thanks for the quick reply, missed it during this reply. will have to download the demo on friday.



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I've been reading these forums before they put the ii in jediknightii.net. I mostly wanted/want to hear what everyone has to say. I'll pipe in from time to time but if I'm going to be hitting keys on the keyboard, I'd much rather be doing it playing jk2! :)

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