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New Skinner


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Im new at this and i wanted to make a Sith Lando skin. Im using Jasc Paint Shop Pro but when i edit the skin, the colors look so fake and out of place, how can i prevent this and make it authentic?

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Well, it's not really something that can just be explained. The best bet would be to check out various tutorials for PSP and learn to use different tools in general, which will make it much easier to figure out how to apply them to skinning.


The only real advice I can think of off the top of my head is make sure you don't have flat chunks of color (need texture) and shading/lightening can help. To keep texture going, consider using some kind of clone tool (I'm not familiar with PSP, don't know what the tool is called in it).


Basically, my best advice is to not worry about doing any skinning yet. You'll find it much easier if you work on your graphic skills in general first. I've been doing graphic design for about 6 years on varying levels (ie, from completely sucktastic to somewhat less sucktastic now :), and there's still new things I'm having to figure out now that I've started skinning.



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i use psp aswell, just keep on screwing around with some tools...

add an effect on top of an effect, see what happens..undo try something else

u also might wanna d/l some graph fx to load into psp. like eye candy 4000

keep on messing with the layers and effects and eventually u'll come up with something nice

and psps is very good for beginners, photoshop is much more difficult....at least thats what i think

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I would start with this...


1) Learn how to use layers (some skins can use up to 20-30 layers at one time!)


2) Learn how to blend layers


3) Learn how to use the shading tools (dodge, burn, eraser, airbrush mainly)


4) Learn how to DRAW the textures you want.


There are plenty of good tutorials on the net that will explain each of these steps.


And patience above all! Save often and experiment! In anycase it takes time. Good luck.

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