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a quick question...


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Use the clipper tool. Create 2 points on the brush, you will see that it is divided in two. Press shift enter and the brush will be split in 2. Repeat the process till you got a window. Afterwards optimize it.

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use CSG Subtract for that. Make your wall, deselect it. then make another brush the size of the hole for the window and place it where you want the window to be. Make sure that the window sized brush overlaps the wall brush on both sides, and then while only the window brush is selected, select the CSG Subtract option. Then delete the window brush and you should be left with a hole in the wall for your window.

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Uni's just telling him how the pros do it. ;) (j/k)


Manually clipping the brush gives you more control over it than CSG can. Of course, CSG is faster.


I personally just copy the brush to get it to the clipboard. Then, I drag it to one side, paste a copy , drag to the other side, etc. :)

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