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GG raven you made the game crap


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I read the patch info and i was going to go break my jk2 cd in half.


The patch if you have not noticed, centers strictly to the *****88 concept of the game. People like to refer to it as sabers i call it *****. We get new level for sabers, great, what about dm or ctf levels. Guns now use more ammo, the force is affected. If you ask me the game basically got ruined.


I and many others, were expecting new levels for ctf, ffa/tdm. We were hoping to see more ammo in levels or weapons that use less ammo. Force powers to be equal, if you have not noticed, light is a lot stronger than dark.


Anyways, i just wanted to say gg *******, thx raven for making the game worse for people who actually use guns and force in the game


(edit-Gonk- settle petal)

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i have to say im with nighthawk on this 1

now dont get me wrong i love my saber but this patch made the CTF part of the game way sucky

to start with theres not enough ammo for the gunz

and now the gunz take even more then they did before

not cool at all

i may have to find another game to play

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The game requires skill now.


The sabers are more precise, many cheats have been removed, kicking and some other moves require more effort - not just spamming, and the abusive forces have been toned down.


The patch rules! :) :) :) :)

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yes, and jump slash in heavy seems to be busted (like i care, i prefer medium stance anyhow...) but the double tap has f*ed up kicking... you have to do it from the side pretty much now... can we get that set back to what it was? Also we could REALLY use the sdk for this so people can write admin mods and such... GJ with EAX and the tweaked saber btw... just fix the kick, and tone down the force usage on heal/drain a bit. Maybe make it cost more to assign pts in these skills, rather than make them cost an arm and a leg in mana so they are pointless in the first place. We could also use some more ctf levels, the current ones are getting, well, boring. =/

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This is not a question of skill even. You are obviously a duel level only person. So go stick with that. Saber end of things... I never used them much so I dont know how that balance works out. The rest however is simply a nerf of everything in an attempt to 'balance' the game.


Gun ammo is definately the major factor in that... 25/shot for secondary repeater or golan.. ok so with repeater when i first get it i have to land EVERY shot now and hope he didnt have full shields? Explain to me how skill works here when its not possible to kill someone this way. Do you even realize how hard it is to hit someone with guns, repeater or golan, when they have any idea at all how to move? I think not, stick to your dueling NewBJedi.


Implications for ctf - ok, now I have to pull whore someone even more because if he gets too far away i have no chance of killing him since he can avoid me for 12 shots, this being the max i can have for explosives not counting rocket, and then feel he's almost home free, since with most of the levels i would then be stuck shooting at him with a stormy rifle.


Heal - nerfed to uselessness. drain.. nerfed, havent tested yet how hard, but im betting to near uselessness.


sabers - i'll leave it to people who know em better.


So, what are we left with? fire 12 shots and now we are all running around with sabers that hardly even hit anymore from what i understand. oh my! its mario kart, catch the bouncing red flagger!


yah, thanks for listening to every complaint anyone ever made on the forum and then deciding to make an across the board nerf raven.

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man.. i thought that gun thing was just a rumor.. it doesn't even say they altered the guns on lucasarts' JO update page.


Raven.. i hope you realize that you're bringing down the game for people who actually play it competitively. You've only been getting complaints from the pub going starwars nerds who want to live out there dream of being a jedi.


I am almost 100% positive if you ask any top jk2 clan right now (valar, dev, DSbr, pds, JaG, SCS,etc) they will agree with me that this is a ****ty patch. What this game needs is a match play mod like OSP or something, not brand new gameplay.

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Yea this patch is ****ing awesome if I am a lardass with 4 in. thick glasses and watch to home all day holding my crouch key force pushing people off ledges. Or maybe I can swing at random people in a CTF game and not even go for the flag. You know some people actually play other aspects of the game. Yet, all we see is 4 new maps: duel_i duel_cry duel_about duel_stupid****. Commit suicide all jedi newbies so they can make a patch to enhance our playing needs.

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Raven, you'd better listen to dev, WD, JaG, and DSbr. The who's who of the JK1/JK2 competative community just told you off. You'd better be paying attention.


BTW yeah, we're sure as hell are NOT updating the WD server. Dev, if you want others to help make TWF no use the 1.03 you know our #.

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competitive clans complained about what this patch fixes?




did heal and drain need balancing? yes. nerfing to uselessness? no.


NO competitive gamer in their right mind would have asked for ammo costs to be higher than they already were.. it was hard enough to get ammo enough to kill with the initial release. None of the competitive clans (most of whom you can view some info on at http://www.teamwarfare.com) complained about 'too much ammo'. those that did were saberists complaining about being killed on all weapon servers.


sabers - once again i do not really know. but the nerfing of kicking and DFA is a direct result of the 'bowing saber duelists' complaining without end on these forums. Personally i do believe DFA needed *some* fixing.. how far? i dont know, again, im not a saberist for JK2 as i was for JK1.

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There you have it, the major JK1/2 clans have utterly rejected this POS you call a patch. When you pick up a HR it gives you 4 shots with 2ndry, yet it takes like 4 DIRECT hits to kill and there is very little ammo on the map as it was. WTF ARE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!

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what i have noticed throughout my extensive cycle of playing jk2 is that raven from the get go has tried to reward people for doing the least in a game.



my prime example being that someone standing still clueless as to what is going on has the ability to push pull and just toss me around despite my using superior movement tactics. it makes push and pull too strong a weapon for people that dont have the ability to move and use force or a gun or a saber at the same time. that just is not fair to the dedicated gamer that spends time getting good at the game



onto weapons. despite the fact that raven did not come up with a unique weapon they chose instead to pick one of the worst combinations of UT and q3 and cs weapons that I could have foreseen. there is the lack of any type of usefull explosive weapon because you only get 3 shots with the rocket launcher. unless you want to count the flakk cannon OH WAIT I MEAN THE GOLAN. but even now they make it worse for the competitive gamer becuase they are successfully removing guns as a viable option and hence making it a saber extensive game. which would be fine in duels where sabers are the almost only weapon available in most duel maps but instead it affects every other aspect of the game.



I dont really blame raven for "listening to the community" its not really ravens fault that the community they chose to listen to play only sabers and complain about the use of guns in public servers. but i wish right now to extend my hand to raven if they choose to accept it, to give them my imput - the imput of one of the top competitive gamers currently playing this game to help smooth out the obvious wrong turn that has been taken. i dont wish to change the game completely i just wish raven had listened to people that actually use other weapons than the saber when deciding what to tweak/tone down for weapons.



I can be found on irc.enterthegame.com in the channel #dsbr


Or if there is an email address that I could use to contact anyone from raven interested in hearing the views and ideas from someone in the competitive scene.

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