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The Patch is terrible.


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Suggestions for the next patch, because until then we're gonna be boycotting this one for competitive play.



1) fix the ammo management, most of us wanted more ammo, not less.


2) find somthing remotely useful to do with drain, and make heal somthing other than useless.


3) Fix the sabers so that silly saberists don't get spammed. If the blocking system that was just implemented stays the same, saberists will get clustered even more than they are now and they'll have an even *harder* time of keeping up with people using guns. By FIXING I don't mean NERFING OTHER THINGS. Make them MORE deadly instead of more film like.





PS: How's this 'darth maul'?

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also if for some reason the rumours are true, and saberists *can* block explosives.. please remove this retarted feature.

imagine it.. u shoot a missile at someone.. yet they block it with an energy beam.. pleease.

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What used to be the newb that slashed around aimlessly with the lite stance blindly trying to hit something whilst spamming the endless sea of lightning is now a threat. Well, unless they are playing the run and heal push/pull freaks. Then it seems to be an even gay match. True the DFA spammers are now neutered. But, then so is anyone with a heavy stance. Side swipes? Um gone. Weapon reflection? hmmm ya gone. Forward kick? Not without pull. And what is this saber lock suffication? Dogs in spring heat don't get locked up this often. Nothing more fun then banging on your expensive mouse 300 times every duel. Drain used to be good to put an end to run and heal. Now its more of a nice way to get your head taken off. Drain spam is still possible. Using DFA on someone spamming drain or lightning is next to suicide. Sepecu would be more enjoyable.


My suggestion for the next patch, sticking with the same line of thought, would be:


Make anyone swinging a lightsaber stab themselfs in the head if they swing more than twice consecutivly.

Make all weapons rapid fire with unlimited ammo.

Drop all force powers effects and just use them for pretty animations.

If two people lock sabers allow one to hold them both while the other takes a smoke break.

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My thoughts go out to all you Gunners out there. Raven kinda solved the balance guns with saber problems by "terminating" the guns. Now if only the sabers were better and a lot of fun, I could just be annoying and go:"then go play sabs, you whiners", but I'm being realistic: sabs aren't much fun at all either, hence the amounts of whiners on this board.

They can be fun when you like non thinking, random hack and slash moves, but that's not what most mature players are looking for.


Even my clan, VDS, who were hardcore JK1 saberists, despising anything that had to do with guns, and even having orgies with the saber, think JK2's sabs are "totally dissapointing"... and only 2 of my clanmates are playing JK2.

We used to be hardcore gamers, showing up for every sabertourney, competing and taking time for every saberladder there used to be, but now with JK2, all we do is play other games like CS, T2 or Q3. :( So it's not just a gunning problem, the sabers unfortunately also didn't bring what we expected from it..


So.. I guess we're all just back to waiting for the next patch to come out. :(

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(Disclaimer - I'm staying away from weapons except for one statement - I wasn't able to block the rocket with my saber at all).


Back to sabers . . .


Have you tried tried the new patch?


Because I personally find the saber a non-random weapon after it.


What you are describing is the saber activity before the patch.


Now with the current patch the saber has a very tight control feel.


Also, a person better be real careful when getting close to me now, because after learning to control a random saber, pre-patch, I'm pretty deadly with this new one - after the patch.


Instead of using all the force/pull, kick, tricks due to the random nature of the saber, pre-patch, I can now swing around and stab, jab, and slice people with ease.


This is just my personal experience with the 'sabers' via the new patch.


Again, the weapon thing I stay away from. :)


As to patches and games - I think all games should be like Windows XP.


Eww .. XP?


Yah - there is a classic mode where you can basically return to the appearance and feel of a prior OS - such as 98 - yet still benefit from the increased efficiency and stability of the new code.


It's my opinion when any game implements a patch that changes gameplay, a server-admin should have the "option" of reversing that very change via a variable (g_ruleset blah blah).


Yes or no?


That's my 'the world should be perfect' opinion.


Originally posted by Zodiac

My thoughts go out to all you Gunners out there. Raven kinda solved the balance guns with saber problems by "terminating" the guns. Now if only the sabers were better and a lot of fun, I could just be annoying and go:"then go play sabs, you whiners", but I'm being realistic: sabs aren't much fun at all either, hence the amounts of whiners on this board.

They can be fun when you like non thinking, random hack and slash moves, but that's not what most mature players are looking for.


Even my clan, VDS, who were hardcore JK1 saberists, despising anything that had to do with guns, and even having orgies with the saber, think JK2's sabs are "totally dissapointing"... and only 2 of my clanmates are playing JK2.

We used to be hardcore gamers, showing up for every sabertourney, competing and taking time for every saberladder there used to be, but now with JK2, all we do is play other games like CS, T2 or Q3. :( So it's not just a gunning problem, the sabers unfortunately also didn't bring what we expected from it..


So.. I guess we're all just back to waiting for the next patch to come out. :(

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Well in my opinion the new patch sucks. I don't mind the ammo in the guns thats not that bad. The new sabering isnt that bad either, just takes time to get used to. What really pisses me off though is that HEAL IS USELESS. Heal is good for nothing now, 3/4 of your force power to heal yourself? What the hell that is stupid, i used to keep level 4 heal on because it was good, now i have to have level 6 heal and that sucks because i use 3/4 of my force to heal me 25 hitpoints that is stupid.


This game was awesome yeah there were a few problems here and there with heal and drain monkeys and the hard stance being unfair because you can touch people with your saber and kill them. If this game continues to be the way it is now, then we are in trouble, this game will only turn out to be like Tribes 2 with developers releasing patches that they think "benefit" the community when they only hurt them.



So raven how about you ask the community for solutions since they play the game more than you guys do, so they know what is best not some people that sit behind a desk programming not playing.



Thanks for ruining an otherwise good game.

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The flipkick, that now requires hitting jump twice is impossible to perform on other players. Near impossilbe to combo after hitting someone with it as well.


The special hop that used to be done after performing a flipkick doesnt exist anymore either. Hop was used to set up other moves. It was done by simply jumping immediately after you did a flip kick, you could hit your jump as hard as you wanted an would never jump high, you would just do the lowest jump move that was in the game allowing you to set up a 2nd move as you hopped towards your opponent.


The blue saber attacks are way too strong, you can backstab someone with a blue attack now an kill them out right at 100 health.


Changed the flip kick back to the way it was, for the love of god!

As it is now its worthless, its just not possible to get it off consistently. I dont even see why you changed this at all. It was one of the few things seperating the newbs from the skilled.


Make it so we can control the saber attacks better, blue an yellow attacks are still too uncontrollable. Let us be able to control the saber spins, right now its just flailing lucky strikes that wins the duels. Its stupid. I think all the stance attacks need to be slowed an swing animation be changed to longer, wider swings. Red attacks are the only truely controllable swings. We need a wider variety of attacks like the BLUE stance Crouch+Forward+Attack, and the RED stance Attack+Forward+Jump.( I know there is a yellow one but it sucks) The reason the Red one got used so much wasnt just because it was deadly, it was also one of the few swings you could control very well.


I want to be able to combo some moves, for instance, I hit yellow stance I saber spin, as that move goes off i change to blue and do the crouching attack as the spin ends, then i change to red stance as the rising crouch attack ends I do the red strike(A+F+jump) to end the combo. Can kinda be done now, but the moves dont really flow together. And its tough changing between stances like that. Or just give each stance their own combos like that.


Force powers are ok, for the most part now, except being able to push, pull, and grip people to their death off of cliffs, etc. into bottomless pits is still way too easy.

You should have to be very close(as in close enough to get hit with a saber) an have your opponent in your targeting sites in order to push, pull, or grip no matter what lv of power your force is set to . A crouching opponent should be harder to push, pull or grip. While Crouch Rolling you should be immune to push, pull, and grip. Push and Pull on some lvs( I think its the street one an the warring factions or whatever, the bottomless pit ones) is way too strong we just need better ways to defend against them.


The light side has a counter to push, pull(absorb). The dark side doesnt unless you have full force power an drain them to nothing. But if your fighting a light jedi he can put absorb on now the only thing a dark jedi can do is run away or he stands there an gets pulled to the ground an killed quickly. Allow dark rage to be more of a protection for push and pull and possibly change it from its current effect(s).

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As it is now its worthless, its just not possible to get it off consistently.


I could make a sick comment on this, but I wont....


Instead, I'll make a reference to an older game: Remember Unreal Tournament? Now remember the shock whores in that game? (long range DFAers, more or less) Now remember the community reaction to that combo? "It's too hard to do it consistently, it's worthless!!!" Now look at the game. Shoc whores everywhere.


Give it time.



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Originally posted by HSChronic

HEAL IS USELESS. Heal is good for nothing now, 3/4 of your force power to heal yourself? What the hell that is stupid, i used to keep level 4 heal on because it was good, now i have to have level 6 heal and that sucks because i use 3/4 of my force to heal me 25 hitpoints that is stupid.


So raven how about you ask the community for solutions since they play the game more than you guys do, so they know what is best not some people that sit behind a desk programming not playing.


Wow so much ingorance in one post.


First off the Max level of any force power with out cheating is 3, so if you had kept it on lvl 4, you were cheating, and to bring it to level 6 your cheating.


Also it's 1/2 of your force to heal 25 points, not 3/4th.


And lastly, the whole reason for this patch is because Raven Did listen to the community, nearly everything they did in this patch was asked for by the people here.


Tweaking heal/drain/DFA asked for.


toning down guns, asked for.


more blocking/more SP like saber battles in MP, asked for.


The only thing I can think of that they changed that wasn't asked for was the kick, but that was actualy just a bug fix. If you read the instructions/readme.txt it said in there you needed to hit jump twice to do a wall flip/kick.

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haven't found a server on 1.03 yet under 100 ping, but i did try it with some bots.


first the kick is easier now IMO. the neutered heal/drain will also enable better saber fights (i am a light force user). i'm happy to see the DFA go, even though it was easy to defend, it did get tedious doing the same motions over and over. i also noticed a knockback on my saber when striking with certain mid-stance swings, if my strike was blocked it would open me up to attack for a short time...much more realistic. i also found the light stance to be more effective under 1.03, mush faster, maybe the damage needs to be toned down to compensate for the speed increase, but i can't tell yet.


as far as guns go, i have no idea. i have yet to pick up a gun in this game outside of the single-player game.


/me hopes all the saber-only servers update soon.:mad:

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