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Official Patch Poll --- Good Or Bad?!


What do you think of path 1.03  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of path 1.03

    • I like it, thanks Raven.
    • I hate it, please work on patch 1.05b
    • I don\'t really care, I bought this game because I thought it was a golf game.

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Originally posted by Dvlos

Please try and post if you played with the patch for 1-2 hours AT LEAST.


The patch has weakened guns abit by making ammo scarce.


Not really, ammo is just as abundant as it always was. Only difference is some of the alt fires take more ammo to use and this doesnt affect any competant gunner all that much.


DFA can be done, but its harder to execute. It can now be done as a combo.


It's no longer a 1 hit kill or in most cases even a two hit kill. With saber defense at full it can even be blocked with little to no damage.


Heavy stance has 2 move combos.

True and I like this even if they are a bit tricky to pull off consistantly.


Medium has lost the fruity piroette. Its finisher is SLIGHTLY harder to do (0.5 seconds longer). But still hurts a plenty.

Agreement here


Light stance is faster, can truly chain combos indefinetly as the manual stated.


IE: Spinning around like a mindless chicken hoping to hit something. No real skill or combo in that.


Heal doesn't heal as much, it can buy you a few more light hits, 1 more medium hit, and SOL on heavy hits, if you were low to begin with.

No fair comment on this one since I never used heal all that much before or after the patch.


People can't tell you have absorb on until they lightning/drain/grip you.. for that SURPRISE!!! effect.

IE: Gamble your force powers on me!!!


Saber throw doesn't use force, however your open to more attacks, you can get knocked down and lose your saber like in SP.

Yes, it uses just as much force power as it did before and leaves you no more open to attack than it did pre-patch. And I have yet to witness someone's saber get knocked down (like in SP) in MP.


Sabers block more, making fights last longer.

Allowing the skill-less newbies and now the LS (light stance) spammers a fair chance of surviving against players who are/were much better pre-patch. Also adding to what I refer to as the "ghost town" effect. This has more to do with the added blocking in addition to the reduced damage of the sabers, thus unbalancing TFFA, FFA and CTY/CTF. I made my usual rounds of the 5 or so CTF servers that I normally frequent and where there would normally be 15 or more people per server most of them are completely empty (well there was this one bot on one of em...). Glancing around at some other CTF/TFFA/CTY servers I notice that alot of them (not all, but alot) are suffering from this "ghost town" effect as well.


4 new levels.

1 new level, 3 are merely ripped SP map rooms.


You have to download a file, and run it in order to get the patch installed (this may be what's bugging all the 29.9k modem users out there).

Dunno, it only took me about 15 seconds to download.


If I missed something throw it in there... let's get a serious concensus.

Frontal kicking has been made more difficult and has been nerfed as well. The damage just isnt as good as it used to be plus kicking from the front is no longer a good counter for the drainers, the DFA'ers, the push/pullers or any number of other people. It only knocks the other person down about 10% of the time, and the rest of the timer is rather minor damage with about the push back of force level 1 push.


While duel and saber only servers might be very happy about this patch because it gives more movie-like saber battles (unless you run across the spin till you drop people) the patch has completely and thoroughly ruined the CTF/CTY scene.

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Die very fast if you know what your doing...


to be honest Light stance has been balanced as well if you ask me, and not really any more or less powerful. I die and kill with them all about equaly now...


If your having trouble against liught stylers two things that seem to work best are waiting your oponent out,. and dodgeing...


How it works is simply to remember since blocking has been made more common based on stance/swing (seems like it anyway). You can block 90% or more of those spammed light swings... Remember to keep your crosshair as close to on top of said spammer as possible... Also note the damage it does... If they are spamming it, chances are it will all be glancing blows, doing little damage... for god sake, if I am paying attaention the most a light stance does to me now is 5 points... the only time it does more is if I take a risk, or don't see it coming...


to counter a light spammer? Duck and do a red swing, hits about 50/50, and if you combo it, will reduce the twirly bird to your next thanksgiving meal in seconds. Still having trouble? Remember light has a reach limitation as WELL as a damage limitation... a medium swing CAN hit a light swing, but not vice versa from a certain distance, red stance will do so from even further away.


Thus to use light effectively you have to be on your toes, and use it to counterattack... IE, red stancer misses, and doesn't make a combo move... run in an twirl away! Or give him a medium chop or two...


This is exactly the same level of skill needed to use the other styles right...


Overal, with the exception of the new spammed move the "Pull + backstab" this patch is incredibly cool... And kicking? Still easy as pie, just don't do the front one if you don't know how use the side one... i don't and I killed 5 people with a last second side kick last night!


Oh and geronimo27, about that thread with that OTHER poll on it...


That poll was very one sided, and obviously only the ones who hate it came in and answered it due to the "All who hate the patch, post here" subject title.


Look at the choices the poll taker has to respond... they are aLL negative! That poll shows nothing to me, and is totaly invalid where fairness is concerned... all it proves to me, is that that poll got more attention than this one so far... nothing more... and the attention it got was all fromthe people the poll was aimed it...


It is SOOO true that a poll or study can prove anything if it is made to show only certain results...


Like in the news:


Today in a recent poll it was found orange juice is so good for you, you can live to be 150 years old just by drinking ten glasses a day... brought to you by tropicana "The makers of america's favorite breakfast drink."




Today in a poll scientists linked an agent in Orange juice to causing erectile disfunction... however milk is found to contain the exact oposite chemicle agent, on average a mans penis grows a whole inch in length and half an inch in width if a half gallon of milk is drunk every day... Brought to you by American Dairy "Makers of the worlds number one breakfast drink"


See what I mean? so Ptewy! I spit on the poll you listed... PTEWY I say... :)

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Thats what I have been saying, day 3 after patch. I STILL feel this patch is a step in the right direction, and I AM SURE there will be on more patch that can fix CTF a bit.


Maybe gun/ammo rules can be changed for CTF games only? Who knows


Kick I agree should be set back.


And grip should be set back.


But the lightsaber combat is cool as hell now.


Im interested in trying this Merc Vs Jedi mode too .. I stillhavent.

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Raven give us more maps and news concerning JK2!! map packs? new models?


Man I dont know why LUcyarts and Raven didnt launch with all the original trilogy and EP1 character models as a given!


In any case I like the patch.. keep it coming.

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Check out this poll.


People overwhelmingly like the patch!


In your faces whiners!


You can dominatwe these forums with complaints, but these polls show you are in the minority opinion.


Its a great patch and everybody knows it except a few crybabys.

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Grimlock - Polls, especially with low turnout, are not very reliable. But if you want to look at them, then let's look at this one:



The number of people who think the patch sucks very much outweighs those who don't thin it sucks.


Hmm yet the poll you list has fewer votes than this one (at the time of this post) so by you own point of view that poll is not reliable as well. Also I don't know how you get "the patch sucks very much outweighs those who don't thin it sucks" from looking at the poll the number is small between yes's and no's like 20 or something. Granted the percentage of yes's and no's are big. Also the wording on it does throw confusion in how one votes.


My suggestion to those who don't like the patch don't use it and stay on your 1.02 servers or don't play at all. Those who like it stay with the patch and play on the 1.03 servers. Stop complaining and just play and have fun.



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