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This patch is for newbies


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Seems that this patch is only intended for newbies...


We lost the thing that made this game interesting -> saber fights...


Moreover, the 2 must have power (drain and heal) where completely made ridiculous by the new code... No need to have them configured now...


If you wanted to make the good players go away... You reach your goal...


It is not too late please correct the stuff!!!



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come on drain was the only power you needed in the old days the first one to use it won. the forcepowers are now well balanced.I haven't tried the guns yet so i can't comment on that. The sabers i'm not so sure of you have to go in real close to hit somenone now with the hard stance which I do not like.

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Originally posted by eSTeG

If you wanted to make the good players go away... You reach your goal...


Finally, the "good players" went away! It is a time to celebrate and have some fun with the game! :D


I like most of the changes in the patch. And especially saber fights.


Please, forgive me if I made anybody upset by expressing my opinion. The board has become very touchy nowadays.

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You said it:


Finally, the "good players" went away!


It's amazing how every post that is written by a "Good Player" is a whining flame without a single argument..


Oh, and let's not forget about the compulsory finishing that goes along the lines of :"Everyone who disagrees with me is a n00b". :D

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