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If it wasn't for this I would love the patch

The Truthful Liar

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Just as a not before you tools jump on me about how I'm "whining" etc... I consider the patch to be perfectly fine, a couple minor defects yet still toleratable (sp?).


Now for the reason(s):


I currently play on Jk2 Ladders at http://www.teamwarfare.com which I really enjoy participating with all my other clan mates, and now they (teamwarfare) just came out with a news post as following:


As of right now, everyone should hold off on upgrading to the 1.03 patch for Jedi Outcast. The number of complaints and concerns has been huge and we need to review the effect this will have on gameplay.


From what I have been able to test, you cannot use version 1.03 and 1.02 together so we urge EVERYONE to remain on the 1.02 patch. Server admins should take note and remain on version 1.02


I was really stunned this morning to find that out, now I'm really pissed because there will most likely be 2 kinds of communities, the ones who use the new patch and the the people who stick with the old version. Now I have to re-install Jk2 to play on TeamWarFare BUT I most likely have to have the patch on most servers online!!


*goes insane* :(

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Well, I'd be willing to bet that the ladders will, in the end, agree to use the patch. With ladder matches, you need a consistent set of rules to play by, and a relatively small patch like 1.03 went and changed alot of that, making the "best" players obsolete so to say. Give em a week or two. When everyone else is caught up, the ladders will follow suit, and you won't need multiple installs to play.

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I hope so, but it sure will take some time. Although I would have just enjoyed the game as much without the patch. Maybe with the DFA 'no turn' tweak, yet besides that I didn't see much to improve. Draining and Healing alot was part of the fun to me :D I say the more fun the better, not getting all hardcore and serious with patches.

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My message to them:




If they boycott 1.03, the number of participants they have will drop tremendously, I guarantee it. They're only hurting themselves. Not to mention 90% of them will be made up of whiners. I see very few negative things in 1.03, and most of them are things they didn't change rather than things they did. Some of the changes to gameplay in this patch are significant, but none of them are extremely bad; people are just afraid of things which will force them to change their tactics even a little bit.

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Originally posted by Zek

My message to them:




If they boycott 1.03, the number of participants they have will drop tremendously, I guarantee it. They're only hurting themselves. Not to mention 90% of them will be made up of whiners. I see very few negative things in 1.03, and most of them are things they didn't change rather than things they did. Some of the changes to gameplay in this patch are significant, but none of them are extremely bad; people are just afraid of things which will force them to change their tactics even a little bit.


More like drop all the time they've practice and start again.

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