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Partial force disabling answered from ChangKhan


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Scroll to the bottom to ChangKhan's second post in the thread...


Looks like not officially supported, but a console command "forcetoggle" allows you to set certain force powers on and off. Looks like you won't be able to tell right away which powers are on and off from the server list, but a MOTD on the server could set that straight.


Somebody test it out...I'm at work! :)



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Well, I'm curious why he mentioned the g_forcePowerDisable cvar when the server binaries first came out and didn't mention a thing about this forcetoggle command. Why not just have the cvar do the job it's supposed to do? *sigh* I'd love to test it out, but the building my server is in had a feed line (power) explode and is dark atm. :mad:

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I set g_forcePowerDisable to 32737 on my server. That's disabled EVERYTHING except push, pull, jump, speed and sabre throw. Of course, this was just a lan test server.


People can still configure their force powers (the ones that are available anyway)

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