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Pure server kicking everyone


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I'm seeing the same thing since updating to the 1.3 version binaries. The Pak files havn't been altered on the server machine nor the client machine. But I'm seeing people getting kicked for invalid Pak files every couple of join attempts now. Nothing changed in the Server.cfg other than I added dismemberment ? Might be that it's still causing troubles but I havn't seen any post regarding it.

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Now that I've updated, I can speak with a bit more knowledge. There are people getting kicked from my server for one reason: They haven't updated to 1.3. I can tell this is the case because I can see the download attempt in the console for assets2.pk3 for those players--which is refulsed because I have sv_allowDownload off.

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I'm seeing people getting kicked off that I know for a FACT have the update as well...


I was dueling a guy on my server and he took a break to get dinner.. Later on he tried to sign in and he got booted for being unpure...


On the other hand I've seen people connect that had the server message that they were unpure - but were allowed to connect anyway.


And yes I *do* have sv_pure set to "1" :)


I have seen the same problems in jk2mp.exe and jk2ded.exe - so it's something common between the versions...


Looks like a revision may be coming soon :)



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I've had this come up before ... on mine, it happened on the new expanded levels, the temple and the hangar ... they have the same names as 2 player made files ... and will load the wrong ones, thus kicking people with the maps downloaded


(this may or may not apply to your case)

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I just re-installed everything on my machine. Samee day the update come out. nice clean machine to work with. But I am having same problems as ppl above. People are getting kick off my server because of unpure .pk3 file/s including me and I connectfrom same bloody machine.

Very strange

My dedicated server is set to pure


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It occured to me that perhaps the new patch has made the pure server "oversensitive" to other custom files. You might try removing all custom skins/models/etc so that all you have left in your client base dir are the assetsx.pk3 files. Once again, it can't hurt. I know that not everyone is being affected by this since my server (1.3) is packed. Now, if we can just isolate what's "special" about the people getting booted for unpure files.

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Well, I removed all custom PK3 files from the server and its still kicking people I know have upgraded as having unpure clients.


Tomorrow I will do a full reinstall and re-patch.


If that doesn't fix the problem by tomorrow night, I'll be taking my server down permanently.


Sad as it sounds, I have better uses for my internet connection than a non-working game server...

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