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I hate the patch!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by MARKUSPRIME

I'll prolly get flamed but dear god cant you see the patch sucks raven. Wake the hell up or your gonna lose a large fanbase. BTW duels take forever now and hvy is usless and no its not only the lunge that is usless the whole style is. Blue = gay nuff said!!!


I'll be playing Morrowind and the soldier of fortune 2 multiplayer demo till you morons correct this huge mistake.:fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett:



one word:


,|,, (o_o) ,,|,

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Originally posted by MARKUSPRIME

I'll prolly get flamed but dear god cant you see how much I suck without my spam moves raven. Wake the hell up or your gonna lose a large fanbase of lamers. BTW duels take forever now and hvy is usless because I dont know how to do anything but jam one move over and over. Blue = hard cuz im a slow thinker and it works fast, nuff said!!!


I'll be playing with myself till you morons correct this huge mistake.:fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett:




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First of all let me say that I do like the patch, yet I do see the point about CTF. CTF is made more frustrating when half the time ur supposed to be defending you have to go out for ammo. Thats about the onlything I see wrong w/ the patch.

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i doubt raven cares about "losing its existing customers" they've already got our money. its not like we can take the game back to the store and exchange it due to store policies on computer software.


however, i told one of my friends that plays JK2 on my pc from time to time about the patch changes. since then, hes decided not to purchase JK2. hopefully another game will come along in the near future that will have developers that wont create rules and concepts and then completely change them a month later. the patch changes were simply too drastic.


its also very annoying seeing people say "its been less than a day! u cant hate the patch!" well, if its too soon to form an opinion, people need to also stop saying that its great. but that really isnt the case, youre just defending the lame patch.


whats worse than a whiner? those who whine about the whiners.



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Originally posted by jarek

whats worse than a whiner? those who whine about the whiners.






What about the whiners who complain about whiners, who also complain about whiners?



Thus... you.




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I'd have to agree with Vertigo on most all of his points, particularly about the medium style tweaks and the increased blocking. Medium is almost useless now, as it does minimal damage even on the rare swings that successfully connect. I think it was a good idea to take out somewhat the whirl-and-twirl part of medium style, as that is, imho, what light is for. However, a complete lack of spins or anything of the sort is too much toward a damage-lessened heavy style for me.

The blocking is simply ridiculous; my friend and I messed around in a two-player game for a while, just exploring the new styles, and medium vs. medium blocks and parries almost every swing. Standing still and doing nothing but block, I defeated him without a swing. In order to get medium to connect, he had to be close enough to me that my parries sabered him with each of his swings. I realize that this is simply a reason not to use medium against medium, but you must admit that this is slightly outrageous, that you could leave for a slice of pizza and have killed someone in your absence only through the automatic blocking and parrying of your character.

I definitely have seen the general consensus in games so far to be that this patch changes too much too soon. It has some necessary fixes of gameplay problems and bugs, but the complete overhaul of saber fighting (imho, the core of the game) really goes too far.

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I was spamming backstab, got like 102 kills, actually kidna funny. If your going to flame me tough **** deal with my opinion cause there is nothing you can do about it, same goes for the patch, all you *can* do is complain about it ( i have already) , doesnt mean they will change it at your command. and yes i know im an ***hole, deal with it :).

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Originally posted by ©-Kïzötzëphæl


oh ****.. sorry mate

*slaps himself* Was meant to quote the Whiner :\ :mad:


No worries :)


I totally agree with you.


Got the patch last night and it's great. Mulitplayer is a lot more fun.

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Well I think they should make the sabers do a little more damage, because now the duel battles take sooooooo insaneee long. Hell it ain't fun waiting 30 mins just to start playing. F*ck that. They did a nice thing to the DFA move though. ONly its completly useless now because it does to litle damage. The might as wel could remove it with the same result!!

And for the force thing. Heal is useless now. Drain is useless now. Absorb is to strong.

Damn I hope they come up with the next patch real fast.

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Some of u people need to shut the fux up, with your stupid ass comments like "Why dont u make the patch" or "Then you go make the patch if u dont like it." Well then listen here, IS IT OUR JOB TO MAKE THE ****ING PATCHES FOR THE GAMES WE PLAY? NO! thats ravens job, and apparently they really ****ed it up BAD. Its our job to play the ****ing game, and ravens to make the game fun for us to play.... and they are making it extremely ****ty, therefore its our job to bitch about it, because we payed 50 bucks for a ONCE GOOD game, that now they have REALLY ****ed up, and YES, they are losing fans. I went on the oither day and they had like only 100 servers. GOOD ****ING GAME RAVEN.

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Originally posted by Ferox

rofl.. this is probably one of those newb duelers who could only kill people by using strong stance jump slash hahahaha.


Your my new friend :). That's what I've been saying all along. All the 10 year old kids that think 1 move that kills everyone in one hit is the best that now cry and whine cuz it doesnt work so great for them all hate the new patch. Go figure.

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Originally posted by D.L.


Pretty good :D




No. I'm sick and tired of whiners complaining. You have ever right to complain if it was a **** game, but it's not. At least offer some good constructive criticism. You don't have to install the patch. Raven put a lot of time and effort into the game. Do you have any idea how stressful and annoying programming can get?


your a retard, gamers should be ravens prime concern and obviously they arent because now we are running around backwards yellow slapping.... i dont care how stressful and annoying programming is, is that an excuse? so gay and sad, are you a raven programmer? if not stfu.

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Originally posted by :H:Fujin

Some of u people need to shut the fux up, with your stupid ass comments like "Why dont u make the patch" or "Then you go make the patch if u dont like it." Well then listen here, IS IT OUR JOB TO MAKE THE ****ING PATCHES FOR THE GAMES WE PLAY? NO! thats ravens job, and apparently they really ****ed it up BAD. Its our job to play the ****ing game, and ravens to make the game fun for us to play.... and they are making it extremely ****ty, therefore its our job to bitch about it, because we payed 50 bucks for a ONCE GOOD game, that now they have REALLY ****ed up, and YES, they are losing fans. I went on the oither day and they had like only 100 servers. GOOD ****ING GAME RAVEN.

damn right bro, thats what im saying, whats the point in dueling if it takes an hour, when i can just go backslice with yellow stance and kill all the n00bas, red lunge was sweet but now that it got nerfed and light is godly fast.... red is totally useless, its easy to evade the blade and to force push my ass when im using it, its ****ing retarded.

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the reason there is a forum is that people can express their criticism.

And all the criticism I read here is true the (multiplayer)game has gone from good(91%) to bad(55%).

-dfa kills the person who uses it

-blocking rediculous

-stances normal and hard toned down too much

-when you hit someone with a hard slash they don't get pushed back anymore

-duels that last and keep lasting=fun is gone

-I was chasing a dude with my teammate and we cornered him and after about 3 min we finaly killed him.

(normally when a lightsaber goes through a person he does not survive did anyone know this)

these things are all tweaked the wrong way there was nothing wrong with these things before the patch.

And now after playing about 24hours on the new patch there is no more doubt it sucks big time I just can't say this enough.

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